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April 20, 2023


  • Publish: Added option to customize the navigation items in your Publish sidebar.
  • Improved Live Preview rendering performance when scrolling quickly in longer Markdown files.
  • Templates: If there is only one template in your templates folder, "Insert template" will no longer automatically insert the text. The behavior will now be consistent and a suggest will be shown.

No longer broken

  • File Explorer: Fixed view not properly restoring the collapse state of folders when reopening Obsidian.
  • Mermaid: improved colors for state diagram.
  • Reading Mode: Pressing Ctrl/Command+F will now always refocus the search input even if it's already showing.
  • Fixed "Focus on tab group" commands not working properly in pop-out windows.
  • Templates: Fix and not resolving correctly within templates.
  • Search: Operators such as tag: and block: will now work even if the operator is not lowercase (i.e. TAG:).
  • Ctrl-M will no longer minimize Obsidian on Windows.
  • The vim Codemirror extension has been updated to include all the latest upstream fixes and patches.
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