Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.7.4.
Shiny new things
- Added a new tab switcher.
- Improved app load time for iOS, iPadOS, and Android.
- iOS: The option to skip iCloud loading will now appear earlier in the startup process.
- The app is now more responsive while loading iCloud vaults.
- The sidebar animation is now slightly faster.
- Keyboard suggestions now appear for email and password inputs.
- The Android back button now closes the active page in settings.
- Moving the cursor by pressing and holding no longer activates links.
- Added a loading state to the "Log out" button.
No longer broken
- Fixed issue where the pull-down action would activate too easily.
- Fixed bug where "Close all tabs" did not always close all the tabs.
- Fixed issue where the menu handle would cover text if the menu is scrollable.
- Fixed bug where Obsidian Vault would fail to load vaults if you log in from the initial vault selection screen.
- Fixed issue where the active state sometimes gets stuck when tapping on an interactive element.
- Fixed issue where table menus didn't show their options.
- Fixed display of dialog headers with long titles. Titles now get truncated to fit the screen.
- Fixed context menus on tablets not being scrollable.
- Settings buttons now show when they are active.
- Fixed issue where the screen would not have enough space when the keyboard is on screen and Stage Manager is active.
- Fixed issue where the keyboard would remain visible when a menu appears.
- Fixed spacing issue with the bottom toolbar when using a physical keyboard on small devices.
- Pressing "Return" when editing a setting now ends editing and hides the keyboard.
- Tapping on a video embed no longer brings up the keyboard.
- The "Export as image" command no longer appears in the command prompt.
- Fixed issue where selecting a sidebar item would not restore focus to the main view.
- Fixed a crash issue caused by the mobile tab switcher interacting with some plugins.
- Fixed a bug where tapping on the mobile toolbar for the first time would sometimes close the keyboard.
- Improved the appearance of some Obsidian Sync screens.
- Fix issue where an extra loading bar would appear for a couple frames as the splash screen is hiding.
- Updated haptics to match OS conventions for light, medium, and heavy interactions.
- Status bar and navigation bar now match the app background color.
- Android: Fixed tapping on tag causing the sidebar to open and immediately close.
- Fixed jitter when dismissing the keyboard on iOS.
- Improved screen resizing when the keyboard appears.
- Fixed issue where the video thumbnail would be blank until you press play.
- Fixed horizontal scrolling in community plugins with long descriptions.
- The community plugin sort button now matches the desktop version.