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Follow Obsidian updates and improvements.

Shiny new things

  • Obsidian Sync can now be used to synchronize your settings, appearance tweaks, custom CSS, and installed plugins.
  • Obsidian Sync can now sync any file type using the "Sync all other types" option.
  • Quick switcher now has configuration options to show or hide attachments and unsupported file types, in addition to the current option to show links to non-existent files.
  • An option to open file in new pane has been added to file explorer's context menu.


  • Obsidian's config file has been split up into 4 different files. Previously, it was just config. Now it's app.json, appearance.json, core-plugins.json and community-plugins.json.
  • registerMarkdownPostProcessor and registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor will now return the MarkdownPostProcessor callback function to facilitate manual un-registration.


  • Obsidian Sync will now no longer store the sync configuration in sync.json, and instead store it inside the app's storage using IndexedDB. This should prevent third party sync tools from accidentally corrupting the sync status database.
  • Obsidian Sync will now show the paused icon when uninitialized, instead of the green checkmark.
  • Note composer's merge functionality will now update links to point to the newly merged file.

No longer broken

  • Fixed template core plugin not applying to all dates in the template.
  • Fixed note composer not respecting new file location setting.
  • Fixed quick switcher not showing links to non-existent files even when enabling the option.
  • Fixed search operators line:, section: and block: not showing correct explanation text.
  • Fixed Obsidian Sync sometimes causing duplicate files when creating and then immediately renaming files when latency to the sync server is high.
  • Fixed unable to use certain characters on non-english keyboards when renaming files because the app thinks the keyboard is entering an illegal character.

Shiny new things

  • There's a new core plugin called "Note Composer" that can help you merge and split notes quickly.
    • New command and menu option are available for merging current note into another one.
    • Select text and right click for the option to extract it into a separate note.
    • You can choose to apply a template for extracted notes. The extracted text will be filled into the {{content}} variable in the template. Other variables like {{fromTitle}}, {{newTitle}}, {{date:YYYY-MM-DD}} are also available.


  • Core plugins now has their commands prefixed with their plugin name, which makes them easier to find in Command Palette.
  • The right click menu in edit mode is now unified into a single consistent menu, which contains the cut/copy/paste/select all options, spellcheck suggestions, as well as link options if available.

No longer broken

  • Syntax highlighting will now properly recognize any character for task lists.
  • Pasting images from Chrome now properly works to import it on MacOS.
  • Quick switcher now no longer ranks subfolder matches significantly lower than poor file name matches.
  • Text overflowing modals now properly scroll rather than clip at the edge of the screen.
  • Plugins causing an error in checkCallback no longer breaks the command palette.
  • Fixed backlink in document not showing up in an empty file.
  • Fixed drag-and-drop panes not working when right sidebar has no panes and is completely hidden.


  • Fixed data-path not updated when folders are renamed.
  • There is now a editor-menu event on Workspace, which can be used to add more options to the context menu inside the editor.

Shiny new things

  • The template core plugin now has commands to insert the current time or the current date.
  • There's now a new dedicated command to focus on the editor.


  • Pasting images copied from Chrome's "Copy image" menu action will now properly import the image to the vault, instead of creating a link to the image's original URL.
  • On MacOS, in some rare setups, the file system API may stop working, which should now be caught by Obsidian if any action takes over 60 seconds.
  • Upgraded MathJax and Mermaid to latest versions.

No longer broken

  • The strikethrough command now works properly instead of erroneously adding highlight markers.
  • Block math now no longer adds an extra empty line after it when immediately followed by a line of text.
  • Quick switcher no longer errors out when opening a non-existent file when the new file location is set to current note.
  • During link auto-completion, typing # or ^ when selecting an alias should now put the cursor in the correct place.
  • Opening the app no longer opens to an empty editor with a file called "No file" if the file was deleted. Instead it will correctly open the "No file is open" page.
  • Fixed performance issue with very long lines of text.
  • In the editor, using two : in text no longer causes text to be grayed out in between.
  • Fixed some Mermaid diagrams not rendering properly (journey missing text, gantt unreadable active task, class diagrams have very faint text).
  • Fixed autocomplete fuzzy sorting algorithm that previously prioritized punctuation over space characters.


  • There is now a function available for converting HTML to Markdown called htmlToMarkdown, which is using a pre-configured Turndown Service.
  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes of Obsidian Desktop v0.12.5.
  • Fixed iOS app freeze when typing Chinese, Japanese or Korean.
  • Fixed app freeze when indenting list at the end of the file.
  • Added new command to focus on the editor.
  • Fixed iOS Cmd+Option+I emitted as Cmd+Option+6. Thanks Apple.
  • Fixed switching Workspaces causes the sidebars to stop working.
  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes of Obsidian Desktop v0.12.4.
  • You can now add global (non-editor) commands to the toolbar.
  • Fixed readable line length not working.
  • Fixed iOS editing toolbar (for selection/pasting) not showing up when tapping empty line.
  • Fixed up/down not highlighting selected auto-complete items, such as quick switcher and command palette.
  • Improved link/tag popover location and styling.
  • Fixed multiple consecutive tags recognized into a single tag.
  • Fixed some setting pages have text that goes out-of-screen.
  • Added commands to insert template, current date, and current time (requires templates core plugin).
  • Fixed iPad trackpad unable to click on some items the first time.
  • Audio recorder now keeps the device awake to avoid losing the recording.
  • Fixed unable to type polish ł on iPad keyboard.

Shiny new things

  • Quick switcher now has an option to show links to files that haven't been created yet.
  • A new core plugin "Outgoing links" is now available.
    • It shows a list of destinations your note links to.
    • It also gives a list of unlinked mentions from the current note that can be linked.
    • This plugin is disabled by default, and you must enable it first to see the new side panel.


  • Graph view's right click menu now has an option to open the note in a new pane.
  • The last opened setting tab is now saved when you close and re-open the setting dialog.
  • The folding state of the metadata section in preview is now saved, and will be synced with the folding of the frontmatter in edit view.
  • Obsidian Sync's status icon will now show red when not connected to the server.
  • Exiting from editor search using the escape key now puts the cursor back.

No longer broken

  • Fixed Obsidian Publish dialog checking a folded folder doesn't work.
  • Fixed removing the right sidebar still left a gap.
  • Fixed resizing sidebars can sometimes go beyond the app window.
  • Graph now updates correctly when files are renamed.
  • Renaming files while using Markdown links no longer cause unnecessary characters to be url encoded.
  • Markdown links to files that haven't been created yet will no longer cause an entry with .md to show up in link auto-complete.
  • Fixed navigation history sometimes skips a note.
  • Fixed navigating from a non-active linked pane causes the navigation history to forget the previous note.


  • Status bar elements now have a css class of the plugin ID added to it, for example, plugin-word-count.


  • Update Electron to v12.0.6.
  • Fixed indented lists flicker when scrolled.
  • Fixed line wrapping not properly applied on iOS, causing horizontal scroll.
  • Fixed display issue on iOS where left side of the editor is cut off.
  • Fixed sharing not working on iOS.
  • Fixed strikethrough command adds highlight syntax instead.

Shiny new things

  • Command palette can now be configured to have "pinned" commands that appear at the top.
  • Obsidian Publish now has a search filter in the upload dialog.


  • Obsidian Sync no longer runs into a possible race condition which sometimes causes file to be recognized as deleted. This has only been observed happening on Obsidian Mobile so far.
  • Vastly improved Obsidian Sync boot up speed. It will now also avoid re-scans of attachments when they haven't been changed.
  • Obsidian Sync will now log the reason for connection errors to help with debugging.
  • Embedding other notes with a heading or a block target will no longer render the whole note when the target cannot be found.
  • On macOS, the trigger to change font size will now use the pinch-to-zoom gesture instead of Cmd+Scroll.
  • Improved performance when sidebars are hidden.
  • Caching/speed improvements for rendering images and other media files.

No longer broken

  • Fixed headings took too much space when line-wrapping.
  • Fixed editor had a larger gap on the right side due to an improper CodeMirror upgrade.
  • Fixed exiting the hotkey customization pane while the app is waiting for a hotkey causes keys to stop working.
  • Fixed link suggestion not working with capital letters when over 10k files + aliases.
  • The fold indicator in metadata section is now correctly aligned.
  • Fixed bound command not preventing default when command doesn't execute, causing confusion.
  • Fixed some plugins didn't show up when a sort filter is applied.
  • Removed Ctrl/Cmd+M hotkey for minimizing the app, which was previously assigned by default from Electron.


  • You can now specify an editorCallback or editorCheckCallback in a command that will register your command as an editor command, which will allow it to be added to the editor toolbar on mobile.
  • Adapter now has a stat function.
  • There is now a Platform object that can be used to determine whether the app is on mobile, along with some other platform information.
  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes of Obsidian Desktop v0.12.2.
  • Shiny new things

    • You can now share the current open file to other apps in the more options menu if you have "Open in default app" core plugin enabled.
    • Fixed new panes didn't appear right away when you enable core plugins, like outline and starred, and required a restart.
    • You can now see the app's version in the About setting tab.
  • Mobile Toolbar:
    • The configuration tool can now drag-and-drop to reorder toolbar items.
    • The toolbar has been rewritten in anticipation of new upcoming APIs. As a result of this, you may need to re-configure the toolbar order.
    • The toolbar will no longer show up if you remove all items.
  • Editor improvements:
    • Clicking search results, backlink items, or outline items will now properly scroll and highlight the target in edit mode.
    • Folding is now implemented in edit mode.
    • Fixed link suggestion not working for headings.
    • You can now click on links in edit mode, which will trigger a popup that can be used to navigate.
    • Lists that wraps to the next line will be indented instead of starting at the very left.
  • Swipe actions:
    • You can now use two-finger swipe left/right to navigate back/forward.
    • Will no longer accidentally trigger on canvas objects, which affects graphs and the excalidraw plugin.
    • Will now be ignored when coming from a stylus.
  • iOS specific:
    • Fixed couldn't rename files with long names because it wraps into a hidden area.
    • Implemented deleting files to system trash. Deleted files can then be restored from the Files app.
    • Fixed Audio recorder plugin on iOS 14.5+.
    • File explorer should no longer show some files with a bigger font than others.
    • Rotating the screen no longer causes some paragraphs to have a bigger font.
    • Fixed iCloud initial sync causes errors when Obsidian boots up.
    • When creating new vaults, the iCloud toggle will now be off by default to avoid accidentally setting up Obsidian Sync in iCloud.
    • Fixed checkboxes misaligned.
  • Other general improvements:
    • Fixed deleting files to .trash folder not working properly.
    • Fixed flicker when using the font slider in the Appearance setting tab.
    • Fixed long-press the three dot menu stopped working. It should now open the more options menu directly.
    • Fixed the UI of File recovery plugin.
    • "Link" button will now always show in unlinked mentions on mobile.
    • Plugins that create a status bar item will no longer crash.
    • Menus triggered from file explorer will now have the file name indicated at the top.
  • Fixed can't backspace to delete Tab characters on Android.
  • Fixed Option + left/right/delete not behaving correctly on iOS.
  • Fixed selecting text triggers swipe action, causing selection handles to disappear.
  • Fixed auto-capitalization not working on iOS.
  • Fixed side panel fullscreen looking ugly on iOS.
  • Don't crash on iOS when selecting "Camera" when inserting attachments.
  • Don't show hover tooltips for a split second when pressing buttons.
  • Also includes everything up to Desktop v0.12.1


  • On initial loading of the vault, the cache indexing notification will now contain the indexing progress.
  • Improvements to the font size adjustment annoyance:
    • Ctrl+Scroll now only activates if you hold Ctrl before starting to scroll.
    • This option can also now be disabled in Settings > Appearance.

No longer broken

  • Obsidian Sync: setting custom device names now persists properly.
  • Obsidian Sync: viewing version history of images and other media files no longer freeze the app trying to render the media file as plaintext. Images can now be previewed.


  • The HTML property on task lists has been changed from data-checklist to data-task to be consistent with internal code names.

Shiny new things

  • You can now search for tasks using task: similar to block:. There is also task-todo: and task-done: which will match only the tasks that are incomplete or complete, respectively. Use task:"" to match all tasks.
  • Search and backlink results has been significantly reworked:
    • Search results are now always expanded, instead of showing "... and x more matches".
    • "Show more context" will now show the Markdown block, instead of a fixed number of lines before and after the match.
    • There are now buttons to expand individual search results to see even more context.
    • Hover preview on search results will now scroll the highlighted region to the center rather than being clipped at the top.
  • You can now display backlinks inside the document using the more options menu while in preview mode. We will try to support edit mode in a future release.
  • Task lists [x] can now contain any character to indicate a completed task, instead of just x. This value can be used by custom CSS to change the appearance of the check mark, and is also available for plugins to use.
  • There are now hotkeys to show the panes for file explorer, backlinks, outline, starred, and tag pane.
  • You can now change the font size in the editor and preview with an option in Settings > Appearance, or using Ctrl/Cmd + up/down scroll. Some themes may have set overrides for the font size, so this setting might not work for you. See the developer section for details.


  • Major improvements to plugin management:
    • Plugin search now also matches in the description field as well.
    • You can now filter installed plugins using a search term.
    • Enabled plugins are no longer reset when you toggle safe mode. This can help quickly test whether issues are caused by plugins.
    • Plugins can now be enabled or disabled in the same place where they are installed, so you can enable it right away after install, instead of having to find them in the plugins list.
    • The "update" button will no longer show up if a plugin doesn't have a new version.
    • Plugin setting tabs are now sorted alphabetically.
  • Obsidian Sync will now store a customizable device name which will show up in the sync log to help debug sync issues.
  • Obsidian Publish now allows search on your site even if you don't turn on navigation.
  • You can now specify a logo file for Obsidian Publish.
  • There is now an option to reload the app when an error happens during initialization.
  • There is now a notification when the app first indexes the vault to avoid confusion why some features might not work right away.
  • Link suggestions and quick switcher will now fallback to a simpler matching algorithm when vault contains over 10k notes to avoid delays.

No longer broken

  • Renaming files no longer cause heading links to self ([[#heading]]) to include the file name.
  • The Workspaces plugin will now save to the proper workspace if the app was closed and restarted right after switching workspaces.
  • Fixed some i18n strings that weren't properly loaded and always used the English variants due to a race condition.
  • File names with multiple consecutive space characters now render properly, instead of having the spaces collapse into one.
  • Generated Markdown links now properly escapes backslashes.
  • Fixed embedded queries behave differently than global search when matching attachment files.
  • Fixed linking unlinked mentions not using preferred Markdown link format.
  • Word counter for Korean now properly counts words rather than letters.
  • Fixed Shift-select in the file explorer accidentally selecting unsupported files that were not shown, causing unexpected file moves when using drag and drop after.


  • Theme developers: from now on, please avoid setting font-size using absolute units like px or pt. Instead, use relative units like em or %, which will automatically scale from the font size the user specified. To migrate px to em, you can divide your px value by 16 (the default font size), for example, 24px => 1.5em.
  • Commands that return false in their checkCallback will no longer set preventDefault() on the key event.
  • MetadataCache now includes sections and lists info.
    • Sections describe the Markdown root level "blocks", and comes with a type.
    • Lists comes with a parent field which can be used to deduce parent-child relationships, and also a task field which indicates whether this is a task and its completed status.
  • MarkdownRenderChild now requires a containerEl passed in via its constructor.
  • You can now retrieve section information as a MarkdownPostProcessor from the context object MarkdownPostProcessorContext.getSectionInfo().
  • New "Quick Action" pull down from the top, defaults to Command Palette, but can be configured.
  • Completely revamped left and right sidebar animation.
  • Setting and Switch vault buttons have been moved to the bottom of the ribbon (just like the desktop layout).
  • Slight improvement to link and tag suggestions so the text is less likely to be hidden behind the panel.
  • Tab and Shift-Tab now works.
  • Readable line length is now implemented in edit mode.
  • Fixed fold indicators not visible in preview. (Edit mode still not implemented yet).
  • Obsidian Publish is now available from mobile.
  • Desktop-only plugins can no longer be installed.
  • Fixed resize handle visible through side panes.
  • Fixed long vault names don't look very nice.
  • Also includes everything up to Desktop v0.11.13

Shiny new things

  • Page preview can now be configured to require Ctrl/Cmd on hover for each component independently.
  • A new option in the About section can now let you specify a folder name for the vault config different than .obsidian. It must still begin with a dot, and must be a valid folder under the vault root. This supersedes the .obsidian.nosync fallback from the last release.


  • Hardware acceleration has been moved to an advanced section.
  • Mermaid.js has been upgraded to 8.9.2.

No longer broken

  • Empty aliases in frontmatter should no longer cause the backlink pane to spin forever.
  • Sync should now properly delete folders with .DS_Store.

No longer broken

  • Fixed CSS snippets stopped working.


  • Hover previews now always requires holding Cmd/Ctrl.
  • Markdown auto-pairing for =, ~ and $ now only works when you are selecting text. Auto-pairing as you type was an undesirable behavior that was quite annoying for these characters.
  • Introduced auto-pairing for comments %, also only happens when you are selecting text.
  • Obsidian Sync now no longer cause a few characters of glitching when receiving multiple changes over a high latency network.
  • Obsidian Sync will now ignore files with illegal characters when downloading, rather than constantly running into an error and retrying.
  • File Recovery will now retry saving files that has been edited but was still in the cooldown period.
  • It is now possible to rename .obsidian to .obsidian.nosync to prevent iCloud from syncing the config folder. Make sure to close the app before the rename.

No longer broken

  • Fixed publish unable to upload publish.js.
  • Fixed swapping panes causes one of them to shrink.
  • Disabled plugins now properly disables the previously selected hotkeys.
  • Fixed file property of new URI handler not working without a parent folder.
  • The active pane will now be properly restored between restarts of the app.
  • Pressing End will now properly go to the line end in tables.
  • Fixed title and body flashes to "No file" briefly when switching notes.


  • There is now a mobile emulation flag that can be used to emulate mobile mode. Use app.emulateMobile(true) to turn on emulation and app.emulateMobile(false) to turn off.
  • Officially starting to discourage the use of CodeMirror 5's API if possible, and migrate to using the Editor interface. The Editor interface supports Obsidian Mobile and will be used to power the future WYSIWYG mode. We will gradually add any missing APIs to ensure feature compatibility with the older CM5 API when possible.
  • Fix iCloud sync not downloading whole vault.
  • Fix unable to save/move files to Obsidian's iCloud folder.
  • Sync will now ignore paths with invalid characters.
  • Fixed Obsidian URI executes twice on first starting.
  • Also includes updates up to Obsidian desktop v0.11.10.
  • Improved iCloud performance (Should no longer lag or freeze).
  • You can now add local Obsidian vaults, sub folders, and files to other apps in Files.
  • Improved Obsidian Sync reliability.
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