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April 14, 2023


  • Outline view: Markdown formatting is now stripped.
  • Bookmarks now appear in the quick switcher.
  • Bookmarks: The file context menu will now say "Edit bookmark" if the bookmark already exists.
  • Bookmarks: Added new commands to bookmark headings and blocks under the cursor.
  • Hotkeys: Clicking on a hotkey with a conflict will now filter the hotkey list to show all the commands matching with that hotkey.
  • The command "move current file to another folder" now allows for creating new folders that don't exist.
  • macOS: Added context menu item to show the macOS Lookup window for the selected text.
  • Bookmarks: The Bookmarks view can now be closed from the tab context menu. Run the command "Show bookmarks" to reopen the view.

No longer broken

  • Ctrl-M will no longer minimize Obsidian on Windows.
  • Added missing styling to Live Preview for bolded, italic text.
  • Escaped characters (characters proceeded by \) will no longer receive special styling.
  • Bookmarks: Opening multiple bookmarks will no longer create empty tabs.
  • Template: An notice will be shown when running "Insert template" command and no templates file is set.
  • Bookmarks: Items can now be dragged out of the bookmark view into tabs to open them.
  • Bookmarks: File bookmarks can now be dropped into an editor to insert a link.
  • Bookmarks: Links can now be dragged into the Bookmarks view to save them.
  • Bookmarks: Headings from the Outline view can be dragged into the Bookmarks view to save them.
  • Bookmarks: Added missing "open to the right" menu item in the bookmark context menu.


  • Bookmarks: Added the full bookmark path as a data-path attribute for custom styling.
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