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September 11, 2023



  • Empty lines before the frontmatter block are no longer allowed. Previously this was supported by some parts of the app and ignored by others.
  • Adding inline formatting to text will now ignore whitespace at the start and end of the selection.


  • Date & time fields now include seconds.
  • Added command to fold properties.
  • When toggling "Properties view" core plugin the core plugin will immediately open the "All properties" view.
  • Added a tooltip when hovering over property names in case the property name is too long and gets cut off.
  • Sidebar view now indicates if file properties are invalid.
  • Right-click on the properties heading to quickly add a property or clear the properties from the file.
  • If your file properties cannot be parsed, the exact spot where there YAML is invalid is now highlighted.

No longer broken


  • Fixed "Reveal in Finder" hanging for a long time on macOS.
  • Files specified in the "Excluded files" setting will no longer be counted in the Tags view or Properties view.
  • Fixed "Replace" button in find/replace not highlighting the next match.
  • Fix stacked tabs not scroll into view when first activated.


  • Fixed bug where editing properties in reading mode would cause changes made in edit mode to be reverted.
  • Fixed the All Properties view sometimes jumping around when editing notes.
  • Fixed issue where properties editor would sometimes produce invalid frontmatter when editing.
  • Fixed Tag suggest not showing suggestions if the input starts with #.
  • Fixed properties status bar item not updating if the properties sidebar was not open.
  • Fixed more edge cases where frontmatter would temporarily appear when modifying properties.
  • The "Add file property" menu item will no longer be disabled in reading mode.
  • Fixed duplicate keys being suggested in property name input fields.
  • Fixed "Unassign type" not working for properties with capital letters.
  • It is no longer possible to unassign the type for default properties (cssclasses, tags, aliases).
  • Fixed issue where the arrow keys would jump from the editor to properties editor even if the cursor isn't on the first line of the file.
  • Pressing escape when property name input is focused now properly reverts the changes.
  • Renaming a list property will no longer cause a type mismatch warning to appear.
  • Clicking outside of the property editor will remove the empty property section for the note if there is one.
  • Fixed "type mismatch" tooltip sometimes showing the wrong expected type.
  • Fixed cssclasses sometimes staying applied to the current view after switching to a new file.


  • Fixed file: queries showing wrong matches when composed with other search operators.
  • Fixes results for file: queries highlighting the wrong text.

Other plugins

  • Outline: Fixed outline view scroll position getting reset when editing a longer document.
  • Note composer: Improved behavior for merging frontmatter if note contains nested YAML properties or invalid frontmatter.
  • Sync: Fixed app freezing for very large vaults sometimes.

Fixed since last insider build

  • Fixed properties sidebar view not showing "Add properties" button if the active file has no properties yet.
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