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Follow Obsidian updates and improvements.
March 4, 2024


  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.5.9.
  • Fixed alignment of app header. The filename should now be horizontally centered.
  • Ensure the last few seconds of changes are saved when leaving the app.
  • Added missing icons in the "Mobile" settings list.
  • Fixed dialogs sometimes appearing with way too much space at the top.
  • Allow loading Google fonts inside custom CSS.
  • Fixed collapse buttons on tablet devices were incorrectly shown when sidebar is pinned.
  • Opening the photo lightbox no longer activates the keyboard.
  • Removed commands to navigate to specific tab number on small mobile devices.


  • Fixed keyboard getting closed when deleting a table.
  • Fixed keyboard being closed when switching back to Obsidian from another app.
  • Fixed not being able to type with external keyboard.


  • Fixed app being laggy when backlinks view is open.
  • Fixed black bars sometimes appearing when virtual keyboard opens or closes.
  • Fixed "Select all" not working on larger documents.
  • Fixed pasting link sometimes generate a link with empty title.
  • Fixed pasting text containing a colon getting inserted as a Markdown link.
  • Long-pressing on links in Live Preview no longer activates the keyboard.
  • Keyboard will now update immediately after the theme changes between light/dark modes.
  • Fixes file corruption when large files fails to save due to out of memory errors when using Sync.


  • Fixed tabs requiring two taps to activate.
  • Improved compatibility with Apple Vision Pro's eye tracking making it clear what elements are interactive.
  • Fixed the toolbar sometimes having too much space below it when using physical keyboard.
  • Fixed sometimes the navigation bar shows behind the toolbar when using an external keyboard.
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