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Follow Obsidian updates and improvements.

Shiny new things

  • Tags can now be clicked on Obsidian Publish to show a list of other pages containing the same tag.
  • You can now Ctrl/Cmd click tags in the tag pane to toggle them as a search filter, instead of replacing the search query.


  • You can now unlink and pin backlink, outline, or local graph panes to have them stay on the file that was open, instead of navigating along with the current active pane.
  • Daily notes will now only check for the daily note inside the selected folder.
  • tag:#mytag will now always use case-insensitive mode, since tags are always insensitively matched. For case sensitive match, use a plain #mytag query instead.

No longer broken

  • Tags with underscore _ will now auto-complete properly.


  • Tags are now case insensitive in graph view.

No longer broken

  • The backlink pane should now scroll properly if it's not in the sidebar.
  • The ugly flair for attachment file types is now properly styled in the file explorer.
  • Internal links can now be selected again in preview.
  • Folding headings in preview no longer causes the subsequent area to stay blank until the page is scrolled.
  • Dragging and dropping text with a : character no longer creates a Markdown link.


  • Opening Obsidian with an obsidian:// URI no longer opens all previously opened vaults.

No longer broken

  • Graph view controls should now be styled properly.
  • Unexpected OS keys should no longer break the hotkeys panel.
  • Tooltips will now properly stay on a single line if there's enough space.
  • Tag pane should no longer blank out after collapsing or expanding parent tags.


  • In the editor, #parent/child nested tags will only have cm-hashtag-end on the last piece of <span> when spellchecker breaks the tag into multiple pieces.
  • MarkdownRenderChild has been properly exported.
  • Elements in the file explorer now has their file path encoded in a data-path attribute to facilitate custom CSS targeting.


  • Hotkeys has been once again reworked to use a "semi" layout independent mode. This should properly recognize remapped layouts like AZERTY and Dvorak, but still provide layout-independence from number and symbol keys.
  • Remapped escape key (typically on caps lock) should now work again.
  • If you've set any hotkeys in v0.10.2 or v0.10.3, you might need to reset them if they stopped working.

No longer broken

  • Fixed tag pane sometimes not showing some nested tags depending on the sorting algorithm used.

Shiny new things

  • Nested Tags: you can now nest tags with unlimited hierarchies using the syntax #parent/child/subchild.
    • Searching for tag:#parent will now match #parent/child.
    • Tag pane now has an option to display nested tags in hierarchy or flat mode.
  • Search now has 3 more operators:
    • line:(...) will perform the subquery on a line-by-line basis, rather than a file-by-file basis. For example, line:(foo bar) will only match foo and bar if they're on the same line.
    • block:(...) will perform the subquery on a block-by-block basis. This is expensive computationally as it requires parsing each file, which means this is likely slower than other modes.
    • section:(...) will perform the subquery on a section-by-section basis. A section starts from a heading and ends before the next heading.
  • Hotkeys have been completely revamped to always use keyboard layout independent mode.
    • This has caused confusion in the last version, so we've simplified the process.
    • If you've customized hotkeys in the past, they will still work.
    • All new hotkeys will be layout independent.
  • You can now drag and drop links to pane headers to open the link in a specific pane.
  • You can now see created and modified time of files by hovering them in the file explorer.


  • Cmd+Shift+V can now paste as plaintext on macOS, in addition to the previous Cmd+Shift+Option+V (seriously, who came up with this default hotkey?).
  • You can now disable HTML to Markdown conversion on paste in Settings > Editor.
  • Hotkeys that are assigned multiple times are now displayed in red.
  • Closing panes will re-focus on the most recent active pane instead of the first pane from the left.
  • Clicking on a link will automatically focus on the new pane if the current pane is pinned.
  • The translucency plugin has been moved to the appearance setting tab.

No longer broken

  • Links with %20 now decode properly when navigating using the editor.
  • Focusing on panes now properly sets the state for arrow keys and page up/down keys to scroll the preview.
  • Dragging text within the same editor pane no longer duplicates it.
  • Fixed spacing between paragraphs in blockquotes.


  • Setting and BaseComponent now have a setDisabled function that will disable its control. Disabling a setting will disable all of its components.
  • Scope.registerKey is now deprecated. It is replaced by Scope.register.

Shiny new things

  • You can now embed search queries in the page using the fenced code block syntax with query as the language, similar to how mermaid works. Note that this syntax does not work in Obsidian Publish.
  • Obsidian Publish now has a "Show search bar" option, which will add a search bar inside the navigation pane. This can be used to search for pages and headings.


  • A layout independent mode has been introduced for hotkeys, which should work consistently across different keyboard layouts. This mode uses the virtual key code that's assigned to each physical key instead of the resulting character that's inputted when the combination is pressed.
  • Drag and drop links will no longer create a Markdown link if the link title is identical to the URL.
  • Improved behavior of Ctrl/Cmd+Click and Alt+Enter for links in the editor.
  • Holding Shift while dropping text will drop it in plaintext mode, similar to Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+V to paste in plaintext mode.

No longer broken

  • Closing the vault or quitting the app within 2 seconds of editing a file will no longer lose the modifications done within that last 2 seconds.
  • The bug where file explorer gains unusual whitespace has been caught and squashed.
  • Fixed window size and developer tools were not properly saved when quitting app.
  • Toggling highlight will no longer remove bold ** signs.


  • Exposed WorkspaceItem.getRoot() which returns one of Workspace.leftSplit, Workspace.rightSplit, or Workspace.rootSplit. This can be used to distinguish whether a WorkspaceLeaf is in the center area or the sidebars.
  • A new event has been added to Workspace.on('quit', callback: (tasks: Tasks) => any). This takes a callback with a Tasks object. You can perform any cleanup tasks in here. For any async/promise-based cleanups, such as saving files, add your task to the execution queue using Tasks.add(async () => { ... }) or Tasks.addPromise(promise) so that the app waits until your task is finished before quitting.
  • The rendering lifecycle has been tweaked to allow plugins to add sub-components in the renderer post process step. Look for MarkdownPostProcessorContext.addChild for more details.

Shiny new things

  • Pasting HTML content will now be automatically converted to Markdown. Same for drag and drop. For example, links you drag from web pages will now generate [Display text](https://url) instead of previously just the URL.


  • Search and replace now has a new default hotkey on macOS Cmd+Option+F to avoid clashing with the native hotkey for hide window.
  • Creating new notes from the file explorer or using the hotkey now always open in edit mode.
  • When setting up sync on a vault that's older than the synced remote vault, the older files will be ignored and overwritten to avoid a mass rollback.
  • Navigation history has been slightly tweaked to be more intuitive, and also remembers scroll sync properly.
  • On macOS, closing the last vault and re-activating Obsidian will now re-open the last vault instead of opening the vault switcher.

No longer broken

  • On macOS, quitting and restarting the app will properly restore the opened vaults.
  • Translucency should now work again on app start on macOS.
  • Drag and drop a file to open in a pane will now properly push the navigation history so going backwards feels more natural.
  • Spellchecker will now split words that are adjacent to CJK characters.
  • The "explain search term" button now works properly again.

Shiny new things

  • You can now select multiple files in file explorer using Alt+Click, or multiple consecutive files using Shift+Click.
  • You can now reorder starred items.
  • You can now drag files from various of places:
    • Drag a file (or multiple files) from the file explorer, just like before.
    • Drag a file from a search result.
    • Drag a file from a backlink, or an unlinked reference.
    • Drag a file from the starred pane.
  • You can now drop files to various places:
    • Drop a file (or multiple files) onto a folder to move it there. You can even do this with files you picked up from anywhere, like a search result. It doesn't have to be from the file explorer.
    • Drop a file to a pane's top header section to open the file in that pane.
    • Drop a file directly into the editor to insert it as a link. The generated link also follows your preferences, such as relative paths, or using Markdown links.
    • Drop a file in another application or in another Obsidian vault to generate an obsidian:// link the same way it's generated as "Copy obsidian url".
    • Drop a file to the starred pane to star it.
  • You can now drag a supported file from your system explorer to a folder in Obsidian's file explorer to import a copy there.
  • There is now a dialog with options for page size, landscape mode, and margin options for export to PDF.
  • You can now choose the tab size in editor settings.


  • Quitting the app and restarting will now restore previously open vaults. This will also work on the "relaunch" button after an update has been downloaded.
  • On macOS, Obsidian will no longer quit when all windows are closed.
  • Pressing Tab will now insert spaces if Use tab to indent is turned off.
  • Various visual improvements are added for dragging and dropping panes.
  • The app window's title will now indicate the vault name.
  • If you have too many ribbon icons, it can now be scrolled to access them all, instead of clipping out the last few icons.
  • If the more options menu is too long, it can now be scrolled to access menu options that was previously off-screen.

No longer broken

  • Sometimes after opening multiple popup windows, all hotkeys stop working. That shouldn't happen anymore.
  • With an open note in Obsidian that's been edited outside or by a plugin, sometimes the last newline character disappears. That should no longer happen.
  • Fixed some edge cases where custom CSS causes IME positions to overlap the current line.
  • Vault switcher should now have more space for certain languages that take more space than others.
  • File names with multiple non-breaking spaces will now link properly.
  • The about setting tab no longer populates twice when you click on "Check for updates" twice.
  • The community plugins page no longer populates twice when you click on a plugin name twice.
  • Creating new files will no longer fail if there exists a file called "untitled.md" in lowercase.
  • Global search's input box will now expand to take the full width.
  • Sync will no longer allow restoring the current version.


  • The workflow for augmenting CodeMirror has been improved:
    • Plugin.registerCodeMirror(callback) has been introduced to help plugins hook to CodeMirror instances that are already loaded, and also created in the future. This function is just a helper for Workspace.iterateCodeMirrors(callback) then Workspace.on('codemirror', callback)
    • Workspace.iterateCodeMirrors(callback) has been introduced to help plugins cleanup their CodeMirror events when the plugin unloads.
    • App.on('codemirror', callback) has been moved to Workspace.on('codemirror', callback). The old method will be deprecated and will now proxy to the new one. There is no more event system on App.

No longer broken

  • Fixed preview "readable line width" option.
  • Fixed preview pane could not fold lists and headings.
  • Fixed YAML front matter not shown even when option is turned on.

Shiny new things

  • Obsidian Sync is now available and can now be purchased. It features:
    • End-to-end encryption.
    • Selective sync.
    • Version history.
  • You can now use the "Move file to another folder" command to move the current file without having to do a drag-n-drop in the file explorer.
  • You can now Ctrl/Cmd hover in the file explorer to preview the contents of a file.


  • Graph view search filter now has a clear button.
  • The file explorer will now automatically scroll when dragging files near the top or bottom edge.
  • Tag suggestion will now match anywhere in the tag, instead of just from the beginning.
  • You can now create internal links in Mermaid by specifying the class internal-link for the node. The app will use the contents of the node as the link. Example: class A internal-link;
  • Quick switcher aliases now show the actual file path as well.

No longer broken

  • Link auto-complete should no longer add an extra pair of ]] when another link exists on the same line.
  • Mermaid text should now finally be properly scaled.
  • The notice "Updated x links in y files" now properly shows number of files instead of always showing 1.
  • Fixed some cases of blurry text caused by the lack of subpixel-antialiasing.
  • Fixed [[ auto-conversion from chinese characters 【【.
  • Typing should no longer lag when linked with another editor pane of the same file.


  • Fuzzy search related functions prepareQuery, fuzzySearch, renderMatches, renderResults, sortSearchResults, are now available.

Shiny new things

  • Quick switcher now auto-completes for aliases as well.


  • Creating a new file from "no file is open" page now respects the default location option.
  • Invalid front matter now shows up as an error in the metadata section of preview mode.

No longer broken

  • Deleting files and folders now properly remove them from the file explorer.
  • Footnotes now work properly in exported PDF files.
  • Fixed mermaid graphs don't scale properly when using a HiDPI/retina monitor, or when zooming the app.
  • Link suggestion no longer suggests blocks for attachments like images or PDF files.
  • Fixed pressing Enter to finish rename a file not working properly when using an IME.


  • SuggestModal and FuzzySuggestModal are now available for use.


  • Exporting to PDF now respects the "show frontmatter" option.
  • Themes/Snippets now excludes dotfiles generated by MacOS.
  • Custom CSS is now applied as soon as the app loads.
  • Tags in front matter are now split by space if there was any.

No longer broken

  • Fixed search and replace in edit mode.
  • Open themes/snippets folder now works properly.
  • Search, backlinks and unlinked mentions should no longer glitch out when collapsing all results.

Shiny new things

  • You can now download multiple themes and switch between them. They are now stored in the vault/.obsidian/themes folder. Be sure to disable the legacy option for obsidian.css when you do so!
  • You can now add multiple CSS snippets, and choose to enable/disable them individually. They are stored in the vault/.obsidian/snippets folder.
  • You can now check for third-party plugin updates and selectively update them.
  • In preview mode, there is now a new section displaying the metadata of a file based on its YAML front matter.
  • You can now give notes specific CSS classes using the front matter option cssclass. You can also specify multiple ones with the same syntax as tags and aliases, for example, cssclass: class1, class2. Combine this with custom CSS to selectively style notes.
  • You can now sort tags in alphabetical order instead of by frequency.
  • You can now collapse the front matter section in edit mode.


  • The custom CSS plugin has been merged into the app, under the "Appearance" setting tab.
  • In preview mode, if the front matter fails to parse as YAML, an error message will be displayed in the code block if you had show front matter option enabled.
  • Link suggestion will now suggest aliases of a file after you type |.
  • Link suggestion no longer shows YAML front matter as a block to refer to.
  • When renaming a file, Markdown links will now also change the display text if it matches the file name.
  • File explorer has been improved to lag less on big vaults.
  • Backlinks and unlinked mentions have been improved to lag less when there are many results.

No longer broken

  • Highlights are now properly exported to PDF.
  • After renaming a file, automatically updated Markdown links will now properly contain the .md extension.
  • Choosing a spellcheck suggestion will no longer wipe adjacent characters.
  • Creating or renaming a file now properly calculates backlinks to it.
  • Embed images now shows up properly in block suggestions.


  • moment.js has been replaced with moment-with-locales.js.
  • CodeMirror has been updated to v5.58.3.
  • A new event layout-change is has been added to Workspace.

Shiny new things

  • Obsidian now has a native build for Apple M1 (Apple Silicon).
  • There's now a build for 32bit Windows and arm64 Windows.
  • There's also a build for Linux arm64.


  • Tags in front matter no longer requires the # character. You can now write tags: [tag1, tag2, tag3].

No longer broken

  • Fixed unable to type in edit mode after inserting a template or opening command palette or quick switcher.
  • Star/unstar file in more options menu has been added back.

Shiny new things

  • You can now specify aliases in front matter. These will then show up in the [[ link suggestion, and auto-complete to [[Filename|alias]]. They will also be picked up in unlinked mentions. For example: aliases: [AI, Artificial Intelligence]. Add double quotes around your alias if it contains special characters.
  • You can now specify tags in front matter. These will then show up in the tag pane, as well as in search queries using the tag: operator. For example: tags: ["#pkm", "#hype"].


  • Command palette and Quick switcher will now restore your cursor or selection when exiting.

No longer broken

  • Graph filter tag operators no longer operate on links to non-existent files.
  • The duplicate menu item "Copy obsidian url" has been removed from the more options menu.
  • On Windows, you should now be able to drag the window from the top when it's maximized.


  • frontmatter is now available in CachedMetadata.
  • Some helper functions for front matter parsing are made available: parseFrontMatterEntry, parseFrontMatterStringArray, parseFrontMatterAliases and parseFrontMatterTags.
  • The css class mod-root is now always added to the workspace center area.
  • Deprecations: (the old name will remain in code for backward compatibility for a while)
    • Setting.addExtraSetting has been renamed to addExtraButton.
    • Workspace.getActiveLeafOfViewType has been renamed to getActiveViewOfType.


  • The updater has been improved to properly use system proxy settings when fetching downloads. (Requires installer update)

No longer broken

  • Fix popups from IMEs for east Asian languages such as Chinese and Japanese not properly positioned for heading with larger font than body text.
  • Fixed search not working for double-quote full word match that includes punctuation characters.


  • A mechanism has been added to deprecate specific versions of third-party plugins known to cause data loss. A notification will be shown to indicate that such a plugin has been disabled.

No longer broken

  • Fixed right click menu in edit mode.
  • Fixed negative path filters in graph search causes tags to be removed.
  • Mermaid Gantt charts are now properly sized according to the view size.
  • Search results can be scrolled again.

Shiny new things

  • You can now right click on search results, backlinks and unlinked mentions to show a file menu for some shortcuts.


  • A new option has been added for changing the default mode (edit vs preview) when opening new notes.
  • Graph filter query has been tweaked to prevent path: and file: filters from removing tags.
  • Search queries with double quotes now properly performs full word search if your query starts or ends in a punctuation character.
  • Allow mermaid internal links using the /Note internal link format.

No longer broken

  • Clicking now properly hides context menus, which previously were sometimes left on the page if clicking on editable text.
  • Fold all/unfold all now properly updates the fold indicator.
  • Graph hover preview is now back.
  • Ctrl-click on internal links should now work on MacOS.
  • Popups from IMEs for east Asian languages such as Chinese and Japanese should no longer obscure the line you're typing on.
  • Internal links now render properly in footnotes.

Shiny new things

  • You can now right click internal links to see many file options, such as opening in new pane, revealing in file navigation, open with default app, etc.
  • Global search will now show recent search queries when the search is empty.
  • Global search now has an "x" to clear the search query.


  • Global search and backlinks pane now save your options for collapse results, show more context and sort order. Global search also saves match case and explain search term.
  • Backlinks pane also saves the folding of the Linked mentions and Unlinked mentions sections.
  • Several new API are now available for plugins to use.
  • Plugin authors can now mark a required version of Obsidian for their releases. They can also provide a list of older versions of their plugin that's compatible to older versions of Obsidian.

No longer broken

  • Fixed fold all previously did not work in preview mode.
  • There was a race condition for saving large files on slower computers which could prevent saving the last few characters typed into the note. That should no longer happen.
  • Checklist styles have been fixed, they should no longer have an awkward offset from the left side.
  • Hover previews now properly renders embeds.
  • Indenting from a numbered list to an unordered list no longer causes undefined to appear.
  • Printing to PDF no longer generates clickable app://obsidian.md links for internal links.

Shiny new things

  • You can now export notes to PDF.
  • You can now fold headings in preview.
  • Fold/Unfold all command/hotkey now works in preview as well.


  • Plugin API: Vault APIs now normalize all input paths.
  • You can now see installed versions of third party plugins in the "Third party plugins" section directly.
  • The "Use Markdown links" setting has been moved to "Files" tab and has been renamed to "Use Wikilinks" to avoid users unintentionally turning on Markdown mode.
  • Search in preview now automatically selects the first result.
  • <iframe> now has permission to show modal like alert().

No longer broken

  • Word count now works for languages that previously didn't work, such as Hebrew and Georgian.
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