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Follow Obsidian updates and improvements.


  • Add autocompletion for footnote references using [^.
  • Remove flicker when switching away from a file with properties.
  • Added an edit button to the properties view if the open file has invalid frontmatter.
  • Added hover preview support for inline footnotes.
  • Prompts now have a "clear" button to clear the input.


  • Application menu now has "Substitutions" menu to toggle the System level text substitution preferences.

No longer broken

  • We have reverted the 2 MB limit for Markdown file parsing.
  • The inline text suggestions now appear to the left of the cursor if the current editor line is RTL.
  • Fixed rendering tables inside callouts.
  • Fixed reorder handler not working in pop-out windows.
  • Fixed commands for toggling formatting sometimes not working on the last line of the editor.
  • Fixed canvas cards appearing blurry when a card contains a callout with a list.
  • Small fix for tab header color.
  • Fixed Outgoing Links unlinked mentions always showing the count as "0".
  • Fixed incorrect formatting getting applied if selection has trailing newline.
  • Minor layout improvements for the file explorer.
  • Fixed "New" section in Obsidian Publish showing folders uncollapsed.

Reading mode

  • Reading mode will no longer render footnote refs that contain spaces.
  • Page preview now shows footnote previews on hover in reading mode.
  • Fix rendering of inline footnotes in reading mode.

Source mode

  • Fixed pressing End key not moving to end of line if cursor is in table.

Live Preview

  • Fix callout menu overlapping with URL menu when right-clicking on a link.
  • Fix failing to render headings with trailing # at the end of the line.
  • Fixed checklist items getting unfolded if cursor was inside a folded region.
  • Allow blank lines in multi-line footnotes.



We have reverted the CSS changes to .suggestion-popover which should fix the issues with suggestions created by plugins appearing unstyled.

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