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Follow Obsidian updates and improvements.

Shiny new things

  • Added basic RTL (right-to-left) text support. The option can be found in Settings > Editor.

Live preview improvements

  • Fixed pasting from websites causes duplicate text to be inserted.
  • Fixed sometimes the list bullet, or the checkbox shows up duplicated when selecting text.
  • Improved the onboarding modal for selecting whether to use legacy editor or live preview.
  • Relaunching after changing the legacy editor option now properly saves the option value, without having to wait for one second.
  • When switching out of legacy editor, all edit panes will automatically use the default edit mode, rather than always staying in source mode.
  • Fixed some actions like indenting and unindenting sometimes moves the cursor to unintended spots.
  • Fixed an issue where selections look really bad if the first line of the document has a list.
  • Internal links that start with # for heading sections will now hide the # when not selected to avoid confusion with tags.
  • Fixed vim mode scrolling commands like zz, zt and zb.
  • Fixed blocks like embeds and custom code blocks aren't properly included in the fold if they're at the end of the fold section.
  • Fixed re-focusing on the editor sometimes causes the selection to jump to the beginning of the file.
  • Improved inline footnotes parsing.

No longer broken

  • Fixed tooltips wrap text in awkward spots.
  • Fixed outgoing links unlinked mentions cuts off items that has a dot in the file name.
  • Fixed changing image alt text does not update in reading view.

Live preview improvements

  • Restored legacy editor to be default for now.
  • Fixed gutter elements (line numbers and fold indicators) misalignment.
  • Fixed Live Preview sometimes run into situations where it stops being parsed and highlighted halfway down the document.
  • Fixed drag and drop text duplicates instead of moves selected text.
  • Fixed several operations such as pasting, undo/redo, drag and drop, etc, causes duplicate characters or phrases to linger in the document.
  • Fixed Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+Z stopped working for undo.
  • Fixed full line embeds has an extra line after it.
  • Improved external images rendering when on its own line.
  • Empty headings will now keep the # characters in view to help see that it's an empty heading.
  • Inline LaTeX will no longer be accidentally recognized when the ending sign is followed by a digit like $10.
  • Fixed several commands that sometimes mis-position the selection after the command executes.
  • Spellchecking is now properly applied to wiki links.
  • Fixed some themes and plugins accidentally introduces margins, causing editor selections to misbehave.
  • Fixed vim mode jumps by two lines sometimes.


  • Reverted editing/reading icon state. We will try to improve this in a future version.
  • Improved Markdown formatting commands like bold and italics detection when selecting the outside layer.
  • Markdown formatting commands now ignores whitespace characters at the beginning or ending of the selection when being applied.
  • Backlink in document can now be turned on by default in the settings page of the core plugin "Backlinks".

Shiny new things

  • Obsidian Sync now has a bulk restore functionality for deleted files.
  • "Preview mode" has been renamed to "Reading view" to avoid confusion.

Live preview improvements

  • Live Preview is now enabled by default. To switch to the old CodeMirror 5 based editor, toggle the "Legacy Editor" option.
  • You can now set the default editing mode to Live Preview or Source Mode.
  • Vim mode is now available for both Live Preview and Source mode.
  • Completed task lists are now crossed out and greyed out to match reading view.
  • Improved handling of up/down arrow keys interacting with blocks like embeds and code blocks.
  • Improved selection when clicking on previewed blocks.
  • Improved selection when selecting across hidden Markdown formatting syntax.
  • Fixed drag and drop does not show caret where the drop will occur, and also sometimes inserts garbage content when dragging within the editor.
  • Improved detection of inline HTML blocks.
  • Improved blockquote handling.
  • Fixed deleting auto-matched brackets like [ with backspace not deleting the closing counterpart ].
  • Fixed HTML comments could cause a crash in the editor parser.
  • Fixed clicking or selecting the end of the file selects to the beginning when there is a block at the end.

No longer broken

  • Fixed code block has an extra indent on the first line in reading view.
  • Quick Switcher will now create new files relative to the file of the current active pane when new file option is set to be relative to current file.


  • Breaking change: the data-task css class has been moved to the line element, rather than being on each piece of <span>.
  • The API for CodeMirror 6 has now been opened up. To deeply integrate with CodeMirror 6, you will be required to write an Extension to augment the editor. More details and tutorials will be available later.

Live preview improvements

  • Spell checker languages can now be changed on Windows and Linux. On MacOS, the system native spell checker is used, which automatically detects the language.
  • Spell checker will now skip over things that shouldn't be spell checked, such as code blocks, links, and math blocks.
  • Improved code block syntax highlighting colors.
  • Fixed fold all command not folding inner folds.
  • Fixed heading folds does not load sometimes, causing the fold state to be lost.
  • Fixed frontmatter not foldable.
  • Fixed image links with titles. Fixed links surrounded by <> not linking properly.
  • Improved bottom padding handling when backlink in document is enabled.
  • Fixed editor suggestions continue to show up after switching documents.
  • Fixed indent soft-wrapping mis-calculating tab sizes.
  • Fixed bare links with <> disappears.
  • Fixed rendered code blocks could overflow the editor.
  • Fixed characters past the line wrapping threshold not selectable using the mouse, happens with long tables, or with line wrapping disabled.
  • Internal links rendered by plugins are now handled within rendered code blocks.
  • Improved handling of list bullet when the cursor is at the beginning of the line.


  • Global search panes will no longer continuously run in the background when the pane is not in view.
  • Fixed overflowing tooltips.
  • Fixed drag and drop internal links on Windows looks weird.

Live preview improvements

  • Inline LaTeX is now supported and rendered.
  • HTML blocks, including iframes are now rendered.
  • Added data-task for all tokens on a list item with checkbox to facilitate css styling.
  • Improved gutter alignment for fold icon and line numbers.
  • Added code syntax highlighting for source mode and live preview (including legacy editor).
  • Improved code block styling when cursor isn't active.
  • Implemented Ctrl/Cmd+Click on Markdown links.
  • Fixed Markdown links with "title" not working correctly.
  • Removed hard-coded Ctrl/Cmd+G search hotkey.


  • Fixed legacy editor not properly scrolled to the top when switching document.
  • Improved handling of custom panes when plugins are no longer installed.
  • There is now a "Copy share link" in the community plugin's information page.
  • Leftover panes from disabled plugins will no longer be automatically closed. They will now show up as an un-recognized pane, and if the plugin is re-enabled, they will work again.

Shiny new things

  • You can now use drag and drop to re-arrange heading sections from the Outline pane.
  • You can also drop an outline item into the editor to generate a heading link.

Live preview improvements

  • Folding state is now properly saved.
  • Fixed embed, image, or code blocks related page reflows making selection and interactions stop working.
  • Fixed sometimes the page becomes plaintext with no highlights halfway.
  • Fixed switching document does not scroll back to the top.
  • Fixed document keeps scrolling up when selecting the last few lines.
  • Fixed clicking on search results from global search, backlinks and outline pane not properly highlighting the matching location.
  • Removed hardcoded editor folding hotkeys.
  • Fixed unable to extract heading on macOS due to context menu also selecting word.

No longer broken

  • Fixed clicking on an external link freezes the app for engine versions using Electron 12.

Live preview improvements

  • Fixed mouse drag selection jumpiness.
  • Improved IME handling.
  • Fixed link aliases broken.
  • Fixed rendered images still showing link.
  • Fixed dynamically resized blocks such as query causes selection to stop working after they resize.
  • Fixed indentation width not updating when swapping CSS themes.
  • Fixed block quotes always have background and border in source mode.
  • Fixed external file:/// images not working.


  • Plugin and theme download counts now have thousands separators.

Live preview improvements

  • Backlink in document is now available for Live preview, which can be toggled in the pane menu.
  • Mermaid and query blocks are now rendered.
  • Some custom code blocks from plugins are now rendered.
  • Implemented auto-pairing of brackets for Markdown formatting symbols such as $, =, ~ and %.
  • Improved handling of block quotes.
  • Improved image size handling.
  • Improved Markdown link styling.
  • Fixed image alt text not live updated.
  • Fixed empty lines in code blocks.
  • Fixed Option+ArrowUp/Down keys on MacOS not performing native cursor functions.


  • Added show-plugin Obsidian URI action. Example: obsidian://show-plugin?id=admonition
  • Added notice for indexing large files taking too long to help debug indexing stuck issues.
  • Obsidian now live-reloads the app and appearance options when the configuration files are changed on disk, to avoid issues with sync solutions overwriting each other with older versions.

No longer broken

  • Fixed some syntax not highlighting for code blocks in preview mode while in dark mode.
  • Preview should now render reference style Markdown links and images correctly.
  • Obsidian Sync should no longer sync dot files and dot folders within plugin folders when community plugin sync is turned on.
  • Fixed legacy editor's replace all function.
  • Fixed adapter rename fail to work for dot files.
  • Fixed copy from preview mode sometimes doesn't copy all the text.
  • Fixed toggle strikethrough always adds more ~~ instead of removing.
  • Pressing Enter when in an empty nested block quote will now only exit one level of block quote.

Live preview improvements

  • Added list-bullet css class for theme styling.
  • Fixed multiple cursors were added with Ctrl/Cmd+Click rather than Alt+Click.
  • Fixed mermaid not rendering properly in preview.
  • Improved block LaTeX rendering, fixed consecutive blocks not rendering.
  • Fixed last line of document can't be selected when LaTeX blocks are in the document.
  • External link icon should no longer be shown for embedded images.
  • Fixed having a URL in image alt text breaks parsing.
  • Fixed barelinks in footnotes disappears.

Live preview improvements

  • Separators (---) are now implemented.
  • Headings will now always show the # characters when the cursor is on that line.
  • Fixed wikilink embeds not working with aliases or sizes using the | character.
  • Fixed embedded documents not live updated.
  • Implemented embeds using Markdown embed syntax.
  • Improved visuals of list items by replacing list bullet character with a dot.
  • Checklists now have their list bullet hidden.
  • Fixed two wikilinks with alias on the same line causes the first one to disappear.
  • Fixed empty wikilinks disappears.
  • Added external link icon.
  • Checkbox now has a data-task attribute added.

No longer broken

  • The insider build toggle in Settings > About is now back.

Shiny new things

  • Live Preview (also known as "WYSIWYG" mode) is now available for insider testing.
    • To enable it, go to Settings > Editor > Experimental Live Preview. Changing this option requires a restart to take effect.
    • The live preview mode is highly experimental and many bugs are expected. Please report bugs in the Discord server under the insider-desktop channel.
    • Once you turn on this option, there is a command to toggle source mode as well as a pane menu option.
    • Current features
      • Hide Markdown formatting syntax.
      • Embedded notes, images, audio, video, PDFs and notes using the wikilink syntax will show a preview in the editor.
      • Embedded images using the Markdown syntax from external sources will show previewed.
      • Block ($$) LaTeX will show a preview. Inline LaTeX will be implemented in a future release.
      • Checklists will be replaced with a checkbox. Clicking on it will toggle the check status.
    • Not implemented yet and coming soon
      • Embeds using Markdown link syntax.
      • Inline LaTeX.
      • HTML blocks.
      • Custom code blocks (including plugin rendered blocks like Admonition and Dataview).
      • Improved list bullets (and hide bullet with checklists).
      • Tables.


  • Added webp image support.
  • Obsidian Sync
    • The remote vault selection dialog has been reworked to prevent accidentally connecting to a different remote vault, causing unintentional vault merges.
    • A warning has also been added to confirm the merging of local and remote vaults when the local vault already contains files.

No longer broken

  • Copy code block button now also shows up on code blocks without a language.
  • Fixed tabs becoming spaces within code blocks in preview mode.
  • Fixed tab size not respected in preview mode.
  • Fixed right clicking on search result matches not working.
  • Fixed backlink in preview mode not updated when switching to an empty note.
  • Fixed embeds in exported PDF documents not showing page title.
  • Fixed code blocks in exported PDF documents sometimes contain duplicate characters when copied to clipboard when using Obsidian's dark mode.
  • Fixed code blocks in exported PDF not wrapping.
  • Fixed app zoom hotkeys stops working after opening a PDF document.
  • Changing font size will no longer cause the cursor in the editor to behave erratically.
  • Fixed navigating to headings, block IDs, and search results sometimes not scrolling down properly.
  • Fixed navigating in local graph sometimes causes the navigation history to skip over a file.


  • There is now an append function for both the Vault and the Adapter APIs.
  • There is now a function to sanitize HTML called sanitizeHTMLToDom which returns a DocumentFragment of the sanitized HTML content.
  • You can now setInstructions for an EditorSuggest.
  • There is now a wordAt function on the Editor interface.

Core update

Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v0.12.19

  • Improved graph view animations.
  • Heading rename.
  • New theme store.
  • Slash commands.
  • New plugin APIs now available for the latest plugins to use.
  • Tons of bug fixes.


  • There are now new commands for copying, pasting, and opening the context menu, which can be assigned to the toolbar or the pull down menu for convenience.
  • Upgraded CodeMirror 6 which should come with many bug fixes and performance improvements.
  • Copy and paste is now handled just like the desktop app.

Obsidian Sync

  • Fixed version history page not showing size and device info.
  • Restoring files using version history will no longer error out with "This version is already the latest version".


  • If you're using Android 11+, you will be prompted for the new file access permission. This is unfortunately required by the latest Play Store policy.
  • Android vaults should no longer show duplicates if you've selected a vault in Documents/Obsidian.
  • Renaming a vault on Android should no longer cause it to disappear from the list.


  • The iOS app will now wait for iCloud to sync back configuration files before opening the vault to prevent load failures. This fixes the "plugin failed to load" popups that happens sometimes.


  • Rename heading now has a command in addition to the previous context menu action.
  • Improved theme statistic handling.

No longer broken

  • Fixed editor suggestions for links and tags sometimes not working due to a race condition.
  • Fixed current theme delete button sometimes shows in the next line.

No longer broken

  • Fixed link suggestions sometimes disappears with large vault.
  • Fixed heading rename doesn't work if there was no link to the heading.
  • Fixed empty sidebar does not save collapsed state properly.
  • Fixed theme manager sometimes showing no theme installed.

Shiny new things

  • The theme store has received a massive upgrade! The interface has been completely revamped, now with download counts, sorting options, and a button to update each theme.
  • There is now a new core plugin called "Slash commands". Activating it will allow you to type / while editing to trigger any command.


  • Updated CodeMirror 5 with several bug fixes.
  • Updated Mermaid.js with several bug fixes.

No longer broken

  • Removed hardcoded navigation shortcuts Alt+Left/Right.
  • Fixed large pages with multiple queries causes some queries to stop working.
  • Fixed some search operators when used in combination causes wrong results.
  • Fixed rare case of workspace leaving an empty space in the sidebar that can't be closed.
  • Fixed sync's setting history modal has the incorrect title of "deleted files".


  • Command palette now renders the plugin name and command name in separate elements to facilitate CSS styling.
  • Plugins that crash after onLayoutReady will now show a message to help debug.
  • New EditorSuggest is now accessible to the API to provide in-line suggestions, like auto-complete. This is what powers the link auto-complete, tag auto-complete, and slash commands.
  • Keymap has now been exposed with isModEvent to help check if the user is holding Ctrl/Cmd or pressing the middle mouse button. This is used as a convention to "open in new pane".
  • There are now 3 new workspace events:
    • editor-change fired when an editor has received changes. This event happens fairly frequently so please be mindful of performance when using it.
    • editor-paste fired before the editor handles a paste event. If you handle the paste event, you should call evt.preventDefault() to let the next handler know that it's been handled.
    • editor-drop fired before the editor receives a drop event. Works the same was as the paste event.

Shiny new things

  • Added a command to undo closed panes. Default hotkey is Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+T.
  • Added copy code block button in preview mode.
  • There is now a tooltip when hovering links that has a different display text (or alias).


  • Empty panes will be removed on startup if the plugin that created it has been uninstalled or disabled.
  • {{date}} and {{time}} will now work in daily notes and zettelkasten prefixer. Previously you needed to add the format {{date:format}}
  • Creating new files from in note composer will now show an error if it contains illegal characters.
  • You can now use Ctrl/Cmd+click or middle-click the icon or the command palette item to open daily note/new zettelkasten in a new pane.

No longer broken

  • Fixed clicking on external links in hover previews not working.
  • Fixed creating new files/renaming files not registered in recent files.


  • There is now access to the following bundled libraries: PDF.js, Mermaid, Prism, MathJax. Each library does things a bit differently but we now expose functions to load them if they weren't loaded already: loadPdfJs, loadMermaid, loadPrism, loadMathJax.
  • request can now set HTTP headers.

Shiny new things

  • You can now select text and right click to search for it globally.

No longer broken

  • Fixed rename heading not working when using links from the same document.

Shiny new things

  • Added rename heading utility in editor context menu, which will rename the heading and update links.


  • Note composer's "extract heading" function now has a command and can be assigned to a hotkey.

No longer broken

  • Removed timelapse button from local graph.
  • Fixed Enter key for CJK input methods in several places when confirming a selection.
  • Note composer will no longer accidentally create files with leading or trailing empty spaces.
  • Fixed Obsidian Publish upload interface unable to check and uncheck folders when collapsed.
  • Fixed can't check for updates when auto-update is turned off.
  • Fixed undo pasting also undoes the previous characters typed.


  • Graph view timelapse animation improvements:
    • The animation now animates according to the note's creation date to generate a true "time" lapse.
    • The graph will now start empty and fill in gradually, without the need to hide orphan notes.
    • The timelapse feature is now more accessible. You can find the new button in the "Display" section, or click the magic wand when the settings panel is closed.

No longer broken

  • Fixed deleting a file that is currently open sometimes causes the file to come back.
  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes of Obsidian Desktop v0.12.9.
  • Added a way to pin sidebars for tablet mode.
  • You can now click on an image in preview mode to see it full screen, and zoom in.
  • The "Open in default app" menu option has been reworded to "Share" to avoid confusion.
  • Sidebar settings, such as which panes are open and which one is active, are now properly saved.
  • Plugins that are marked "desktop only" will no longer attempt to run on mobile.
  • Fixed padding above frontmatter section.
  • Vault stats and note stats should now stay up-to-date.
  • Obsidian Sync now has improved handling of illegal characters on Android.
  • Fixed Shift+Option+Up/Down duplicating line instead of selecting up/down.
  • Alt+B/F/D now properly inputs text on iOS.
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