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Follow Obsidian updates and improvements.


  • Added a new screen in settings (General → Advanced) to show the total app load time. You can also enable a toggle to get a notified when startup takes too long, including details for debugging.
  • Page previews will stay open even if the window loses focus or the command palette appears.
  • Spellcheck is now disabled for inline tags.
  • Pressing Esc now instantly closes the page preview while editing.
  • Dragging a .webloc or .url file into the editor creates a Markdown link with the filename as the display text.
  • Hovering over a notice keeps it on screen until you move the mouse away.
  • Added a right-click menu for footnotes to delete both the footnote and its reference.

No longer broken

  • Fixed the "Insert link" command creating incorrect text selections.
  • Fixed an issue where "Export to PDF..." sometimes exported white text.
  • Fixed a bug causing some editor suggestions from plugins to not update.
  • Fixed keyboard navigation issues between the inline title, properties, and editor.
  • Fixed "Insert internal link" not triggering autocomplete.
  • Fixed cut/copy/paste not working when editing bookmark titles.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking "create footnote" could create multiple footnotes.
  • Fixed editing nested page previews.
  • Fixed a bug where creating a Markdown embed sometimes showed "undefined" as the display text.
  • Fixed mouse back/forward buttons being processed twice in popout windows.
  • Obsidian Sync: Fixed "Show diff" toggle not always working in Sync History.
  • Clicking a property search result no longer focuses the File Properties view if frontmatter is visible in the document.
  • Fixed styling issues with invalid frontmatter when "Properties in document" is set to "source."
  • Clicking "Check for updates" no longer causes layout shifts.
  • Fixed math rendering in footnotes.


  • Plugin installation now automatically strips sourcemaps, making plugins smaller and faster to load.
  • Theme developers: REM units are now synced with the base font size.
  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.7.0.

Shiny new things

  • Added a new mobile tab switcher.


  • Keyboard suggestions now appear for email and password inputs.
  • The Android back button now closes the active page in settings.
  • Moving the cursor by pressing and holding no longer activates links.
  • The sidebar animation is now slightly faster.

No longer broken

  • Fixed issue where the pull-down action would activate too easily.
  • Fixed bug where "Close all tabs" did not always close all the tabs.
  • Fixed issue where the menu handle would cover text if the menu is scrollable.
  • Fixed bug where Obsidian Vault would fail to load vaults if you log in from the initial vault selection screen.
  • Fixed issue where the active state sometimes gets stuck when tapping on an interactive element.
  • Fixed issue where table menus didn't show their options.
  • Fixed display of dialog headers with long titles. Titles now get truncated to fit the screen.
  • Fixed context menus on tablets not being scrollable.
  • Added a loading state to the "Log out" button.
  • Settings buttons now show when they are active.
  • Fixed issue where the screen would not have enough space when the keyboard is on screen and Stage Manager is active.
  • Fixed issue where the keyboard would remain visible when a menu appears.
  • Fixed spacing issue with the bottom toolbar when using a physical keyboard on small devices.
  • Pressing "Return" when editing a setting now ends editing and hides the keyboard.
  • Tapping on a video embed no longer brings up the keyboard.
  • The "Export as image" command no longer appears in the command prompt.
  • Fixed issue where selecting a sidebar item would not restore focus to the main view.


  • Updated haptics to match OS conventions for light, medium, and heavy interactions.
  • Status bar and navigation bar now match the app background color.


  • Improved screen resizing when the keyboard appears.
  • Fixed issue where the video thumbnail would be blank until you press play.


  • Fixed horizontal scrolling in community plugins with long descriptions.
  • The community plugin sort button now matches the desktop version.

Shiny new things

  • Obsidian Sync includes a new view that shows a collection of synchronized files. Activate it using the "Sync: Show Sync history" command.
  • You can now click inside a page preview to edit in-place.


  • You can now create new footnotes by clicking on the hover preview of a footnote ID.
  • Spellcheck is now disabled inside prompts like the quick switcher and command palette.
  • Added support for x.com embeds in addition to twitter.com.
  • Right-clicking in the gutter of a Markdown view now lets you quickly toggle line numbers or readable line width.
  • The "Make copy of" menu item has been renamed to "Duplicate" on macOS to match OS conventions.
  • Obsidian Publish collaborators can now edit content-related site options, including the order of sidebar items.
  • The "Close all other tabs" command no longer closes pinned tabs.
  • Frontmatter is now hidden inside embedded editors such as Canvas file nodes and page preview.

No longer broken

  • Fixed choppy scrolling between linked Markdown views.
  • Fixed issue where "clear" would overlap text inside prompts like the quick switcher.
  • Fixed bug where search queries using line:, block:, and task: only returned matching files instead of the matching content.
  • Pressing ArrowDown when the inline title is focused now properly focuses the editor if the property editor is hidden.
  • Fixed issue where renaming a file would mangle Markdown links if the link destination was inside angle brackets.
  • Fixed issue where moving a PDF view to a pop-out window caused errors.
  • Fixed issue where "Export to PDF" created visual artifacts next to external links in right-to-left text.
  • Fixed bug where some commands would cause the editor autocomplete to appear unexpectedly.
  • Fixed bug where Obsidian Sync could deactivate itself when syncing to a device with "Sync core plugins" disabled.
  • Fixed issue with the PDF view showing the wrong icon in the search bar.
  • Fixed issue with inline YouTube previews not showing for some links.
  • Context menus now display correctly in right-to-left mode.
  • Fixed issue where links in footnotes appeared twice in the outgoing links view.
  • Fixed bug where canvas files could become corrupted if they contained a file node with a custom property type.
  • Long filenames no longer display an ellipsis at the end when being renamed.
  • Fixed issue where clicking on a filename while renaming it would cancel the rename.
  • The editor context menu no longer shows Formatting options when the selection is within a link or tag.
  • Fixed issue where using the "Fold all" command on a long Markdown file incorrectly folded lines inside code blocks.
  • Fixed bug where the link autocomplete sometimes generated invalid Markdown links without the .md file extension.
  • Fixed an unresponsive area in the top corner of the screen when a notification was present.
  • Fixed issue where popover scroll position reset when the popover was repositioned on the screen.
  • Fixed issue where formatting commands were not always applied to table cell selections.
  • Fixed bug where clicking on a tag in the Tag view would sometimes bring up the search suggestion box.
  • Fixed bug where SVG files would not always show in page previews.
  • Fixed issue where "Log out" wouldn't work if the server thought you were already logged out.
  • Fixed issue where the PDF view's "copy link to selection" did not include display text if "Use wikilinks" was turned off.
  • "Insert Markdown link" and "Insert internal link" commands now support multiple cursors.
  • Fixed issue where the ">" character after a bare link was incorrectly parsed as a quote block.
  • Fixed bug where items were not always visible after filtering in the Outline view.
  • Fixed issue where search highlights were not cleared when the current Outline view filter was cleared.
  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.6.7.

No longer broken

  • Fixed app freezing when closing a pop-out window while Obsidian Sync is syncing the active file.
  • Fixed memory leak when disabling plugins that register custom ribbon buttons.
  • Fixed an issue where old file history was missing from the sync history view after renaming a file.
  • Fixed collapse indicators displaying the wrong direction next to right-to-left text.
  • Fixed overlap of indicators and bullets with right-to-left text.
  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.6.7.

No longer broken

  • Fixed app freezing when closing a pop-out window while Obsidian Sync is syncing the active file.
  • Fixed collapse indicators displaying the wrong direction next to right-to-left text.
  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.6.6.

No longer broken

  • Fixed memory leak when disabling plugins that register custom ribbon buttons.
  • Fixed overlap of indicators and bullets with right-to-left text.
  • Fixed an issue where old file history was missing from the sync history view after renaming a file.
  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.6.5.
  • Removed "Open in new window" context menu items from bookmarks.
  • Removed "Open to the right" context menu item from bookmarks on smaller devices.


  • The installer has been updated to use Electron v30.1.2. To upgrade, install visit the Obsidian download page and reinstall Obsidian.
  • Added a new advanced section at the bottom of "File and links" settings page. This section includes a button for manually rebuilding the metadata cache if the cache gets corrupted or out of sync with the filesystem.

No longer broken

  • Fixed date and time input being cut off.
  • Fixed extra border between vertical splits in the sidebar.
  • Fixed bug where Graph view could constantly save and reload.

No longer broken

  • Added mobile tap effect to buttons in the "New tab" view.
  • The "Toggle ribbon" setting now appears inside Settings → Appearance for tablets.
  • Notices are now slightly wider on phones.
  • Hover effects now activate when moving a trackpad cursor over elements on tablet.
  • Fixed the "Go to first line" command sometimes giving focus to the "Add property" button.
  • Removed the "Close others in tab group" command on phones.
  • Fixed tooltips sometimes briefly flashing when tapping on a tab.
  • Fixed scrolling via an external device not working on iOS.


  • Added "Publish current file" command and menu item to Obsidian Publish.
  • Made minor tweaks to the names and descriptions of various settings.

No longer broken

  • Fixed duplicate menu items appearing in the context menu when right-clicking on a link inside an embed.
  • Fixed "Quick start" from the vault screen not working if the location already exists.
  • Fixed lag when dragging and dropping files in the file explorer with many open files.
  • Fixed toggling checkbox on the last line of a file or callout.
  • Fixed link autocompletion for headings (via [[#) sometimes generating invalid links.
  • Fixed dragging and dropping folders in the file explorer generating incorrect folder names if there's a path conflict.
  • Fixed links inside callouts not appearing in the Backlinks view.


  • Automatic link renaming now correctly escapes custom display text links (\|) inside tables.
  • Adding a link via the Outgoing Links view now escapes the pipe (\) character if the link is inside a table.
  • Fixed drag and drop not working in table cells.
  • Fixed bug where undo/redo inside a table causes columns to disappear.


  • Improved the overall experience of editing files with inline properties hidden. If properties are hidden in the editor and the Properties core plugin is enabled, any action that attempts to focus the properties will now focus the property in the sidebar.
  • Clicking on a property from the global search view now focuses the property.


  • Added better support for mixed LTR and RTL tables.
  • Improved rendering of mixed LTR and RTL content inside exported PDFs.
  • Made small fixes for tabs.
  • No longer force right-alignment on the inline title.


  • Added "Copy" menu item when right-clicking on external links. This copies the displayed text, not the underlying URL.
  • Bold links now have the correct text weight applied.
  • Fixed links inside headings having the incorrect text weight applied.
  • Fixed the color of bare external links.
  • Fixed formatting commands when the selected text contains a task list.
  • Fixed backslashes (\) inside inline code getting hidden.
  • Updated the letter spacing on smaller headings.
  • Fixed the --bold-weight CSS variable not being correctly computed in some places.


  • The "Split right" menu item and command are no longer available if the active tab is in the sidebar.
  • The inline find/replace bar now uses icon buttons instead of text buttons.
  • When the app is full screen, the maximize button now turns into a "restore" button in the window frame.
  • Fixed translucency on macOS when the app ribbon is visible.
  • Fixed several animation glitches with the sidebars when they are opened and closed.
  • Fixed issue where items inside the View menu on the macOS application bar did not reflect the current state of the app.
  • Updated the appearance of dropdowns across the app.


  • Fixed issue with app ribbon items getting reordered incorrectly after drag and drop.
  • Disabling and reenabling plugins no longer causes the position of their ribbon items to be lost.

No longer broken

  • Fixed the log-in screen closing without an error if login failed.
  • Fixed users with two-factor authentication not being able to log-in within the app.
  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.6.
  • The mobile sidebars have received a slight design refresh. In an effort to reduce some of the visual complexity, we've changed the sidebar tabs to a dropdown list. We also removed the "fullscreen" button to further simplify things.
  • Redesigned notices. They will now appear at the bottom of the screen.
  • Added a drag handle to dismissable menus.
  • Select table cells by dragging the caret.
  • You can now fuzzy search for commands when adding them to the mobile toolbar.
  • Fixed lists rendering too far to the right in reading mode.

Obsidian Sync

  • Layout improvements when viewing the activity log and the file sync history.

No longer broken

  • Ensure that filesystem mkdir errors are caught on initial load.
  • Tweaks to the iCloud loading screen.
  • The "Hide keyboard" button now also appears in the mobile toolbar on iPad.


  • Fixed navigation bar staying hidden after opening a link.
  • Show keypad when number property is focused.
  • Soft keyboard will now show "next" on iOS and "enter" on Android.
  • Disabled autocapitalize for property names and tag values.


  • The splash screen now remains visible until the app has fully loaded.
  • Fix appearance of vault switcher when transitioning between screens.
  • Fix box-shadow getting cut off clipped in Sync's activity log.
  • Fix animation getting skipped when pressing "cancel" in a confirmation dialog.
  • Minor animation/shadow tweaks for dialogs.
  • Fixed the context menus on side drawer tabs automatically closing.
  • Fix alignment of the view header (it's finally centered).


  • Fixed the Share Sheet not always working on iOS.
  • Increased the maximum number of items you can "Share" using the iOS Share Sheet to 100.


  • There is a new .mobile-tap class that gets applied to elements when they are tapped. If you want to add an active state to your buttons on mobile, you can add the class .tappable to your element. When your element is touched, a .mobile-tap class will get applied.

This update focuses on improving a few long-standing sore points. Notably, we overhauled support for right-to-left (RTL) languages. The editor now automatically detects language direction per line, making it more adaptable for mixed-language usage. In addition, when the app is set to an RTL language, the interface is mirrored accordingly.

We've improved the editing and reading experience of footnotes. This release is jam-packed with bug fixes and small improvements. This release includes numerous bug fixes and small improvements, along with some performance enhancements for loading and editing.


  • RTL UI and mixed-direction support. The interface direction is now mirrored when the app is set to an RTL language.
  • New vault profile. The vault name is now always visible in the primary sidebar, making it easier to switch vaults.
  • The app ribbon can now be hidden in settings or by right-clicking on the ribbon and selecting "Hide ribbon".
  • Character count and word count now update based on the current text selection.
  • Faster workspace loading and parsing longer Markdown files.


  • Tab now completes the path segment of the currently selected file in the Quick switcher and "Move files" prompt.
  • Added "Add alias" command.
  • Added "Create new folder" command.
  • Hotkeys and property types are now automatically reloaded if the settings are modified outside of Obsidian.
  • Added custom instructions and result when adding display text to a link.
  • Prompts now have a "clear" button to clear the input. Pressing the button when there is no input now dismisses the prompt.
  • Page preview popups should now have more consistent sizing and positioning.


  • Added autocompletion for footnote references using [^.
  • Improved parsing and rendering of footnotes in the editor.
  • Added hover preview support for inline footnotes.
  • Hovering over a footnote ID displays a popup with the corresponding footnote.


  • Merging properties now flashes the new property name in the global property list.
  • Double-clicking a property list item now allows you to edit it.
  • Added an edit button to the properties view if the open file has invalid frontmatter.

Obsidian Sync

  • Updated the default selective syncing when setting up Sync. By default, Sync now syncs:
    • Main settings
    • Appearance settings
    • Hotkeys
    • Core plugins
    • Core plugin settings
    • Video, images, PDFs, and audio
  • Arbitrary files inside plugin folders are no longer tracked by Sync. The only files inside a plugin folder that are tracked are:
    • data.json
    • main.js
    • styles.css
    • manifest.json
  • Improved loading experience while Sync connects to the remote vault.
  • The "purge" button now appears if storage is more than 95% full.
  • Added command to open the activity log.
  • Updated layout of the status bar menu.
  • Clicking the statusbar item now always shows the Sync menu instead of opening the activity log.
  • Improved appearance of the "Disconnect" button in settings.
  • Syncing is faster when processing pending changes.
  • No throttling when the main window is minimized or in the background.
  • Improved interface for inviting Sync collaborators.
  • Fixed issue with "View version history" not working if file is not tracked in Sync.
  • Disconnecting from vault no longer hangs indefinitely.
  • Automatically disconnect from vaults that do not exist.
  • Standardized the "Vault not found" error message.
  • Removed redundant disconnect button.
  • Fixed settings reset issues when switching between remote vaults.

No longer broken

  • Fixed file contents flickering when switching away from a file with properties.
  • Resolved issues with "Collapse all" requiring multiple clicks.
  • Fixed Redo not working from the macOS app menu.
  • Properties now inherit the page preview setting of whatever mode the view is in.
  • Updated icons for "Move to new window" and "Open in new window".
  • Consistent context menu icons in the Bookmarks view.
  • Fixed workspace layout not always saving after selecting a tab.
  • Attempting to open an invalid URL shows a notice instead of failing silently.
  • Fixed vim mode crashing when dragging cursor over folded text.
  • Allow clicking at start of line inside blockquote.
  • Fixed scrolling when clicking next to scrollbar in a PDF.
  • Fixed minimized main window doesn't adapt to system theme change.
  • Fixed Backlinks view not always showing an empty state.
  • Fixed toggling core plugins not always showing the settings "gear" icon immediately.
  • Fixed checklists getting unfolded when clicking on the checkbox.
  • Fixed list collapse indicators from extending into text in Live Preview.
  • Fixed callout images being clipped inside hover preview.
  • Improved appearance of "destructive" menu items when disabled.
  • Views that cannot navigate (e.g. the File Explorer) no longer shows pinned icons if they are pinned in the workspace.
  • Multiple consecutive spaces are no longer collapsed in file names.
  • Fixed Canvas cards appearing blurry when a card contains a callout with a list.
  • Fixed Outgoing Links unlinked mentions always showing the count as "0".
  • Fixed "New" section in Obsidian Publish showing folders uncollapsed.


  • Fixed incorrect formatting getting applied if selection has trailing newline.
  • The "Toggle bullet list" command now turns a task list into a bullet list.
  • Fixed commands for toggling formatting sometimes not working on the last line of the editor.


  • Improved the layout of the login screen inside settings.
  • Minor updates to the notices shown when installing community themes and plugins.
  • The "Light themes only" toggle is no longer displayed when using 'adapt to system'.
  • Improved drag and drop for the command palette reordering.
  • Fixed reorder handler not working in pop-out windows.


  • Search suggestions are dismissed when typing quoted string.
  • Search suggestions are not shown unless the cursor is at the end of the query, or the next character is a space.
  • Clicking the "clear" button no longer causes the search input to lose focus.


  • The Norsk language is now mapped to the Bokmål locale.


  • Clicking in margin to right of table now focuses the editor.
  • Fixed shift + arrow key not responding.
  • Ensure cell updates from main editor correctly update cell offsets.
  • Fix parsing math blocks inside table cells.
  • Fixed double-click not working in table cells.
  • Fixed rendering tables inside callouts.

Source mode

  • Fixed pressing End key not moving to end of line if cursor is in table.

Live Preview

  • Fix callout menu overlapping with URL menu when right-clicking on a link.
  • Fix failing to render headings with trailing # at the end of the line.
  • Fixed checklist items getting unfolded if cursor was inside a folded region.
  • Allow blank lines in multi-line footnotes.

Reading mode

  • Reading mode no longer renders footnote references that contain spaces.
  • Fixed rendering of inline footnotes in reading mode.



  • We have published a guide for how to adapt your theme or plugin to support RTL interfaces.


  • Switched to Cascadia Mono instead of Cascadia Code as the default monospace on Windows.
  • Bold text is now computed based on the current text weight, so bold inside a heading still appears bold.
    • For theming we recommend using the --bold-modifier variable instead of --bold-weight. This enables Obsidian to use a heavier weight in situations where the text may already be bold, such as headings: ## Bold **bolder**
  • Added --caret-color CSS variable to make it easier to style caret color on both desktop and mobile.
  • Added new --link-weight variable.
  • The user's interface language is added to the lang attribute on the html element, which allows language-specific CSS rules.
  • The .mod-rtl class is added to body element when the user's interface language is RTL.


  • Fixed processFrontmatter not processing files if all properties are removed.
  • Improved detection of external config changes.
  • Improved app.emulateMobile to make it easier to test if your plugins are mobile-compatible. Attempting to run a NodeJS library presents a Notice. Drag-and-drop more accurately mirrors mobile behavior. The app has default safe-area-inset properties set so that your views properly account for offsets in the mobile device viewport (such as the iPhone Dynamic Island).
  • Modals should respect safe-area-insets without requiring additional CSS.
  • Added loading state to some settings buttons that make remote requests.
  • Completely removed global app from the API spec (previously it was marked as deprecated).


  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.6.2.
  • Redesigned notices. They will now appear at the bottom of the screen.
  • Added a drag handle to dismissable menus.

No longer broken

  • The splash screen will show again if the app closes due to iOS memory compression.
  • Input prompts will no longer automatically capitalize the first letter.
  • Add padding to the bottom of the main settings page.
  • Fixed the vim bottom panel styling on phone screens. It should now appear above the toolbar.
  • Minor fixes for the publish screen layout on phone screens.
  • The "Close window" command will no longer appear on mobile devices.
  • The "Undo close tab" command should not attempt to create a new tab group on mobile.
  • Fix back button not always getting removed inside the Community plugins view.
  • Fixed horizontal table scrolling.
  • Fixed iOS not being able to open the context menu on sidebar tabs.



  • The inline footnote suggest now allows for spaces when searching for footnotes via [^.
  • Pressing the clear button when there is no input will now dismiss the prompt.


  • Fix disconnecting from vault sometimes hanging indefinitely.
  • Automatically disconnect from vaults that do not exist.
  • Standardized "Vault not found" error message.
  • Remove redundant disconnect button.
  • Fixed issue where Sync would not reset your settings properly when switching to a different remote vault.

No longer broken

  • Fixed issue where File Explorer would sometimes load without remembering which folders were expanded.
  • Improved the layout and styling of the login screen inside settings.
  • Minor updates to the notices shown when installing community themes and plugins.
  • Views that cannot navigate (e.g. the File Explorer) will no longer show pinned icons if they are pinned in the workspace.
  • The "Find" and "Replace" menu items now have their own menu section.
  • Fixed table cell text alignment for RTL text.
  • Multiple consecutive spaces are no longer collapsed in file names.
  • The "toggle bullet list" command will now turn a task list into a bullet list.
  • Fixed double-click not working in table cells.


  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.6.1.
  • The mobile sidebars have received a slight design refresh. In an effort to reduce some of the visual complexity, we've changed the sidebar tabs to a dropdown list. We also removed the "fullscreen" button to further simplify things.
  • Select table cells by dragging the caret.
  • You can now fuzzy search for commands when adding them to the mobile toolbar.
  • Fixed lists rendering too far to the right in reading mode.

Obsidian Sync

  • Layout improvements when viewing the activity log and the file sync history.

No longer broken

  • Ensure that filesystem mkdir errors are caught on initial load.
  • Tweaks to the iCloud loading screen.
  • The "Hide keyboard" button now also appears in the mobile toolbar on iPad.


  • Fixed navigation bar staying hidden after opening a link.
  • Show keypad when number property is focused.
  • Soft keyboard will now show "next" on iOS and "enter" on Android.
  • Disabled autocapitalize for property names and tag values.


  • The splash screen now remains visible until the app has fully loaded.
  • Fix appearance of vault switcher when transitioning between screens.
  • Fix box-shadow getting cut off clipped in Sync's activity log.
  • Fix animation getting skipped when pressing "cancel" in a modal.
  • Minor animation/shadow tweaks for dialogs.
  • Fixed the context menus on side drawer tabs automatically closing.
  • Fix alignment of the view header (it's finally centered).


  • Fixed the Share Sheet not always working on iOS.
  • Increased the maximum number of items you can "Share" using the iOS Share Sheet to 100.


  • There is a new .mobile-tap class that gets applied to elements when they are tapped. If you want to add an active state to your buttons on mobile, you can add the class .tappable to your element. When your element is touched, a .mobile-tap class will get applied.