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Follow Obsidian updates and improvements.

No longer broken

  • Fixed issues with East Asian input methods putting characters behind the cursor.


  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.5.11.
  • Fixed alignment of app header. The file name should now be horizontally centered.
  • Ensure the last few seconds of changes are saved when leaving the app.
  • Added missing icons in the "Mobile" settings list.
  • Fixed dialogs sometimes appearing with way too much space at the top.
  • Allow loading Google fonts inside custom CSS.
  • Fixed collapse buttons on tablet devices were incorrectly shown when sidebar is pinned.
  • Opening the photo lightbox no longer activates the keyboard.
  • Removed commands to navigate to specific tab number on small mobile devices.


  • Animations throughout the app have been sped up slightly.
  • Fixed the appearance of dialogs throughout the app to appear more uniform.
  • The mobile toolbar items are now spaced closer together.
  • Improved layout of community plugins directory.
  • Fixed the status bar color in light mode for tablets.
  • The last updated date in community plugins is now hidden on smaller devices.
  • Settings will now slide in from the left.


  • Minor improvements to scrolling in Live Preview. Should reduce the amount of times that scrolling gets interrupted.


  • Text properties will be selected when they receive focus on tablet.
  • Fix placeholder text not showing for date and datetime properties.
  • Fixed issue where arrow keys would not always function when properties were focused.


  • Fixed keyboard getting closed when deleting a table.
  • Fixed keyboard being closed when switching back to Obsidian from another app.
  • Fixed not being able to type with external keyboard.


  • Fixed app being laggy when backlinks view is open.
  • Fixed black bars sometimes appearing when virtual keyboard opens or closes.
  • Fixed "Select all" not working on larger documents.
  • Fixed pasting link sometimes generate a link with empty title.
  • Fixed pasting text containing a colon getting inserted as a Markdown link.
  • Long-pressing on links in Live Preview no longer activates the keyboard.
  • Keyboard will now update immediately after the theme changes between light/dark modes.
  • Fixes file corruption when large files fails to save due to out of memory errors when using Sync.
  • Typing -- at the start of a line will no longer get converted to a en-dash.
  • Native interface elements such as the text selection menu and iPad keyboard overlay will now following the color scheme.


  • Fixed tabs requiring two taps to activate.
  • Improved compatibility with Apple Vision Pro's eye tracking making it clear what elements are interactive.
  • Fixed the toolbar sometimes having too much space below it when using physical keyboard.
  • Fixed sometimes the navigation bar shows behind the toolbar when using an external keyboard.

No longer broken

  • Fixed the "toggle sidebar" commands causing the sidebars to get completely hidden.
  • The formatting submenu will no longer appear in the editor context menu.

Breaking changes

  • It is no longer possible to enable the "Translucent windows" setting on Windows.



  • Added support for setting alignment of multiple table columns at once.
  • It's now possible to drag and drop content into table cells.
  • Fixed "Show context menu" command when cursor is inside a table cell.
  • Allow deleting line before table if its the first line of the file.

Obsidian Sync

  • Add support for the new Standard plan.
  • The deleted files list loads much faster for users with large vaults.
  • Before Sync has loaded the configuration data, the Sync status will indicate that its still loading, instead of saying "No remote vault connected."


  • The list of workspaces now shows the last modified time of each workspace.
  • Added new "Save layout" command.
  • The active workspace is now highlighted in the workspace switcher.


  • Add system default font options for Windows and Linux.
  • Update monospace system font stack.


  • Improved the performance of browsing community plugins and themes.
  • The font size slider no longer attempts to resize the interface while it is still being dragged.
  • Enabling "Restricted mode" in the settings will now automatically reload the app to ensure that plugins are completely unloaded.
  • The "Move current file to another folder" command now properly handles moving files into the same folder they are currently in
  • Properties: Ensure text property resets when pressing escape.
  • Fixed issue where cssclasses would sometimes stay applied to the tab when switching to another file.
  • Fix bug with unresolved link color being overridden.
  • Removed extra top padding when window is fullscreen and using "Obsidian frame" setting.



  • Animations throughout the app have been sped up slightly.
  • Fixed the appearance of dialogs throughout the app to appear more uniform.
  • Minor tweaks to the layout of the mobile toolbar.
  • Improved layout of community plugins directory.
  • Fixed the status bar color in light mode for tablets.
  • The last updated date in community plugins is now hidden on smaller devices.
  • Settings will now slide in from the left.


  • Minor improvements to scrolling in Live Preview. Should reduce the amount of times that scrolling gets interrupted.


  • Select input text on tablet.
  • Fix placeholder text not showing for date and datetime properties.
  • Fixed issue where arrow keys would not always function when properties were focused.


  • Typing -- at the start of a line will no longer get converted to a en-dash.
  • Native interface elements such as the text selection menu and iPad keyboard overlay will now following the color scheme.

No longer broken

  • Fixed the "toggle sidebar" commands causing the sidebars to get completely hidden.
  • The formatting submenu will no longer appear in the editor context menu.



  • It's now possible to drag and drop content into table cells.
  • Fixed "Show context menu" command when cursor is inside a table cell.
  • Allow deleting line before table if its first line.

Obsidian Sync

  • The deleted files list should now load much faster for users with large vaults.


  • The list of workspaces now shows the last modified time of each workspace.
  • Added new "Save layout" command.
  • The active workspace is now highlighted in the workspace switcher.


  • Add system default font options for Windows and Linux.
  • Update monospace system font stack.


  • Enabling "Restricted mode" in the settings will now automatically reload the app to ensure that plugins are completely unloaded.
  • The "Move current file to another folder" command now properly handles moving files into the same folder they are currently in
  • Properties: Ensure text property resets when pressing escape.
  • Fixed issue where cssclasses would sometimes stay applied to the tab when switching to another file.
  • Fix bug with unresolved link color being overridden.
  • Removed extra top padding when window is fullscreen-ed and using "Obsidian frame" setting.

For developers

  • Fixed revealLeaf failing to focus the correct window.


  • Publish now supports full-text search. Try it out by searching the Obsidian Help.
  • Full-text search supports multiple word queries using quotation marks, e.g. "core plugins"

No longer broken

  • Fixed readable line length not getting applied immediately when opening a tab.
  • Added minor improvements to how Obsidian Sync initially loads before connecting to a remote vault.


  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.5.9.
  • Fixed alignment of app header. The filename should now be horizontally centered.
  • Ensure the last few seconds of changes are saved when leaving the app.
  • Added missing icons in the "Mobile" settings list.
  • Fixed dialogs sometimes appearing with way too much space at the top.
  • Allow loading Google fonts inside custom CSS.
  • Fixed collapse buttons on tablet devices were incorrectly shown when sidebar is pinned.
  • Opening the photo lightbox no longer activates the keyboard.
  • Removed commands to navigate to specific tab number on small mobile devices.


  • Fixed keyboard getting closed when deleting a table.
  • Fixed keyboard being closed when switching back to Obsidian from another app.
  • Fixed not being able to type with external keyboard.


  • Fixed app being laggy when backlinks view is open.
  • Fixed black bars sometimes appearing when virtual keyboard opens or closes.
  • Fixed "Select all" not working on larger documents.
  • Fixed pasting link sometimes generate a link with empty title.
  • Fixed pasting text containing a colon getting inserted as a Markdown link.
  • Long-pressing on links in Live Preview no longer activates the keyboard.
  • Keyboard will now update immediately after the theme changes between light/dark modes.
  • Fixes file corruption when large files fails to save due to out of memory errors when using Sync.


  • Fixed tabs requiring two taps to activate.
  • Improved compatibility with Apple Vision Pro's eye tracking making it clear what elements are interactive.
  • Fixed the toolbar sometimes having too much space below it when using physical keyboard.
  • Fixed sometimes the navigation bar shows behind the toolbar when using an external keyboard.

Breaking changes

  • It is no longer possible to enable the "Translucent windows" setting on Windows.


  • Added support for setting alignment of multiple table columns at once.
  • Improved the performance of browsing community plugins and themes.
  • The font size slider no longer attempts to resize the interface while it is still being dragged.

No longer broken

  • Fixed issue where bookmarks would sometimes disappear.
  • Fixed selecting headings in Live Preview unexpectedly selects the leading "#" characters.
  • Fixed first line of file sometimes getting folded unexpectedly.
  • Fixed links sometimes getting activated when clicking beyond the bounds of the link.
  • Fixed pasting into table cells failing if cell has trailing space.
  • Fix IME input on the line before a table causing extra newline characters to be inserted.
  • Obsidian now requires either Android 5.1+ or iOS 13+ to run.
  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.5.8.
  • Added support for the new table editor.
  • The mobile quick action (the pull-down gesture) can now be disabled.
  • Switching tabs via mobile navbar should focus the new tab.
  • The mobile drawer will now show "no file" in the right mobile drawer header instead of the last opened file.
  • Fixed "Toggle left sidebar" and "Toggle right sidebar" not working on mobile.
  • It's no longer possible for phones to load stacked tabs. The "Toggle stacked tabs" command is no longer shown in the command palette and loading a workspace with stacked tabs will unstack them on devices that don't support stacked tabs.
  • It's now possible to delete tables by placing the cursor after the table and pressing backspace.
  • iOS: Fixed bug where selecting all the text in a table cell and pressing backspace would not clear the cell.
  • iOS: Fixed indentation guide markers not aligning properly in source mode.



  • Added RTL text support.
  • Tables are now automatically formatted as you type. This means columns will now render cleanly in source mode.
  • Tables will no longer break when typing in the line preceding a table widget.
  • The paragraph submenu is now disabled inside the table context menu.
  • Typing "---" will no longer autocomplete inside a table cell.
  • Fixed issue where long horizontal tables would lose their scroll position on edit.
  • Fixed issue where right-clicking inside a table would cause multiple context menus to appear.
  • Lots of small fixes to how we handle editing text adjacent to tables.
  • Fixed table not always getting focused when using "Insert table" command.
  • Fixed issue where undo/redo would put cursor in wrong position.
  • You can now press backspace after a table to select the table. Pressing backspace again will delete the table.
  • You can now click links and tags inside table cells.


  • Formatting commands now recognize _ for italic and __ for bold.
  • Fixed issue where "Copy" would not work in a file where a PDF was embedded.
  • "Quick font size adjustment" is now disabled by default.
  • Fixed some weird behavior with "Toggle comment" command when it was used next to other comments.
  • It's no longer possible to accidentally edit text inside a fold. Navigating into a fold will automatically open the fold.
  • "Close" has been moved to the top in the tab menu.


  • Sync: When viewing your remote vaults inside Obsidian, you can now see the total storage space used by each vault.
  • Improvements for indented text and lists in Live Preview.

No longer broken

  • The focused item in the File Explorer will now hide after opening a file.
  • Fixed the appearance of the embedded backlinks for right-to-left interfaces.
  • Pressing Home when editing a table in source mode will now always go to the beginning of the line.
  • Fixed issue where Canvas would fail to render if a zero-byte image file was embedded on the canvas.
  • Fixed issue where files would fail to save when navigating between files at the same time the properties are being edited.
  • Fixed Live Preview issue where tokens inside Markdown code blocks will no longer get parsed and rendered.
  • Fixed Outgoing links "link" button missing for unresolved links.
  • Fixed "copy" button inside Sync History not working.
  • Fixed Outline view not showing leading numerics.
  • Fixed page preview sometimes getting triggered when mouse is not hovering over the app.
  • Fixed issue where Backlinks view would incorrectly render links if they are on the same line as an embed.
  • We have reverted the changes to how lists are displayed in Live Preview. They will be formatted how they were in v1.4.
  • Fixed Enter, F2, and Command + ArrowDown not working when File Explorer is focused. Enter should now open the focused file on Linux and Windows and rename the file on macOS. F2 will rename the focused folder/file. And Command + ArrowDown will open the focused file on macOS.
  • Editing a ordered checklist (i.e. 1. [ ]) will no longer cause the checkboxes to get wiped out.


  • Double-clicking on the sidebar tabs will no longer trigger "maximize window."
  • Fixed View → Source Mode and View → Reading View app menu items getting out of sync with the app.
  • Fixed issue where dragging and dropping screenshots into Obsidian would produce broken links.


  • Fixed issue where the Vim cursor got out of sync with the app cursor. This made it possible to accidentally edit Properties inside Vim mode.
  • The Vim cursor will now be hidden if the editor is not focused.
  • Restyled the Vim normal mode command panel.


  • The installer has been updated to Electron v28.2.3. For macOS, Catalina 10.15 or higher is now required to run.
  • See the API Changelog for a list of API updates.

No longer broken

  • Fixed properties not appearing when navigating from a file that has the same properties.
  • Fixed Home and End not always navigating to the top and bottom of the document.
  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.5.7.
  • Fixed indentation guide markers not aligning properly in source mode on iOS.

No longer broken

  • Fixed links in properties not getting renamed updated when the file is renamed.
  • Fixed Obsidian hanging while scrolling through long files if certain plugins that affect Live Preview are enabled.
  • Fixed scroll jumping when typing inside a narrow pane.
  • Fixed issue where Canvas would fail to render if a zero-byte image file was embedded on the canvas.
  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.5.6.
  • Fixed indentation guide markers not aligning properly in source mode on iOS.



  • Fixed table not always getting focused when using "Insert table" command.

No longer broken

  • Fixed issue where pressing "Use Live Version" of a binary file in Obsidian Publish would corrupt the file on disk.
  • Fixed race condition where properties would fail to save when navigating between files at the same time.
  • The focused item in the File Explorer will now hide after opening a file.
  • Fixed visual block selection in Vim mode.
  • Fixed bug with our processFrontMatter API not properly saving properties to a file that didn't previously have properties. This might have impacted plugins.
  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.5.5.
  • It's now possible to delete tables by placing the cursor after the table and pressing backspace.
  • iOS: Fixed bug where selecting all the text in a table cell and pressing backspace would not clear the cell.



  • Fixed brief flash when editing RTL tables.
  • Fixed issue where undo/redo would put cursor in wrong position.
  • You can now press backspace after a table to select the table. Pressing backspace again will delete the table.
  • Fixed issue where editing a large table would cause spaces to unexpected get deleted.
  • Fixed issue causing autosuggests inside table cells to sometimes not appear.
  • You can now click links and tags inside table cells.


  • Sync: When viewing your remote vaults inside Obsidian, you can now see the total storage space used by each vault.
  • Improvements for indented text and lists in Live Preview.

No longer broken

  • Fixed the appearance of the embedded backlinks for right-to-left interfaces.
  • Fixed sidebar views missing a "close" button.
  • Pressing Home when editing a table in source mode will now always go to the beginning of the line.
  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v1.5.4.
  • Added support for the new table editor.
  • The mobile quick action (the pull-down gesture) can now be disabled.
  • Switching tabs via mobile navbar should focus the new tab.
  • The mobile drawer will now show "no file" in the right mobile drawer header instead of the last opened file.
  • Fixed "Toggle left sidebar" and "Toggle right sidebar" not working on mobile.
  • It's no longer possible for phones to load stacked tabs. The "Toggle stacked tabs" command is no longer shown in the command palette and loading a workspace with stacked tabs will unstack them on devices that don't support stacked tabs.



  • Added RTL text support.
  • Tables are now automatically formatted as you type. This means columns will now render cleanly in source mode.
  • Tables will no longer break when typing in the line preceding a table widget.
  • The paragraph submenu is now disabled inside the table context menu.
  • Typing "---" will no longer autocomplete inside a table cell.
  • Fixed issue where long horizontal tables would lose their scroll position on edit.
  • Fixed issue where right-clicking inside a table would cause multiple context menus to appear.
  • Lots of small fixes to how we handle editing text adjacent to tables.


  • Formatting commands now recognize _ for italic and __ for bold.
  • Fixed issue where "Copy" would not work in a file where a PDF was embedded.
  • "Quick font size adjustment" is now disabled by default.
  • Fixed some weird behavior with "Toggle comment" command when it was used next to other comments.
  • It's no longer possible to accidentally edit text inside a fold. Navigating into a fold will automatically open the fold.
  • "Close" has been moved to the top in the tab menu. Previously it would show below "Close all" and "Close others."

No longer broken

  • Fixed Live Preview issue where tokens inside markdown code blocks will no longer get parsed and rendered.
  • Fixed Outgoing links "link" button missing for unresolved links.
  • Fixed issue where bookmarks would be hidden or missing from the Bookmarks view.
  • Fixed "copy" button inside Sync History not working.
  • Fixed issue where dragging and dropping screenshots into Obsidian would produce broken links.
  • Fixed Outline view not showing leading numerics.
  • Fixed page preview sometimes getting triggered when mouse is not hovering over Obsidian.
  • Fixed issue where Backlinks view would incorrectly render links if they are on the same line as an embed.
  • We have reverted the changes to how lists are displayed in Live Preview. They will be formatted how they were in v1.4.
  • Fixed Enter, F2, and Cmd+ArrowDown not working when File Explorer is focused. Enter should now open the focused file on linux/win and rename the file on macOS. F2 will rename the focused folder/file. And Cmd+ArrowDown will open the focused file on macOS.
  • Editing a ordered checklist (i.e. 1. [ ]) will no longer cause the checkboxes to get wiped out.


  • Double-clicking on the sidebar tab items will no longer trigger "maximize window."
  • Fixed View → Source Mode and View → Reading View app menu items getting out of sync with the app.


  • Fixed issue where vim cursor got out of sync with the Obsidian cursor. This made it possible to accidentally edit Properties inside vim mode.
  • The vim cursor will now be hidden if the editor is not focused (good bye red box!)
  • Restyled the Vim normal mode command panel.
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