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Follow Obsidian updates and improvements.

Core update

  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v0.15.6.
  • Major update to the editor engine fixing several input related bugs.


  • You can now choose user installed fonts.

No longer broken

  • Fixed checkboxes not working in Live Preview.
  • When the app loading fails, there is now an option to reload app in Restricted Mode (with plugins disabled).
  • Fixed page preview not scrolling to specific location properly when hovering search results.
  • Fixed linked panes keeps stealing focus when navigated.
  • Fixed LaTeX math not rendering in pop-out windows.
  • Fixed "Show File Explorer" and other similar commands not focusing on the pane when activated.


  • Renamed "Open current pane to new window" command to "Move current pane to new window."
  • There is now a separate "Open current pane in new window" command for opening a pop-out window without closing the current view.

No longer broken

  • Fixed reading mode in pop-out window not rendering when the main window is minimized.
  • Fixed graph view in pop-out window not responding when main window is minimized.
  • Fixed various suggestion items not rendering properly.
  • x-callback-url now disallows file:/// protocols.
  • Fixed hover preview not working in graph view.
  • Fixed "focus on pane to left/right" commands not working within pop-out windows.
  • Fixed "close all other panes" command not working within pop-out windows.
  • macOS: Fixed App Menu items not working when pop-out window was focused not working within pop-out windows.
  • Fixed styling issues within the Open Vault window.
  • Fixed issue where pressing 'escape' in the graph view would cause the view to lose focus.


  • If a plugin view crashes when getting created, the view will properly get cleaned up.
  • leaf.view can now never be null.

Shiny new things

  • Added "Toggle always on top" command to pin pop-out windows above all other windows on your desktop.


  • The native scrollbar styling for macOS is back. This can still be overridden by themes.
  • Views dragged out into their own pop-out will now preserve their previous pane size.
  • Automatically refocuses the view in pop-out windows when cycling between windows.

No longer broken

  • Fixed "Open in new window" not giving the new pane focus.
  • Copying to clipboard now works in pop-out windows.
  • Fixed issue where the File Explorer didn't always respect the "default note location" setting.
  • Backlinks in document will no longer disappear in pop-out windows.
  • The toggle sidebar commands should now work again.
  • Pop-out windows will now remember their position and size when restoring from maximize, minimize, or fullscreen.
  • Fixed table wrapping issues in Live Preview.
  • Fixed checkbox in callouts misaligned when using RTL.


  • We've made several improvements to the workspace API to improve plugin compatibility with v0.15.X. If you've been experiencing compatibility issues with your plugin (views opening in the wrong leaf, files opening without focus), we recommend testing against this version to see if the issues have been resolved.
  • For plugin and theme developers: we've made changes to the Suggest component's DOM structure. If your plugin is attaching itself to core Suggest components or mimicking the Suggest component structure, it will likely be impacted.
    • The new DOM structure is:
    - .suggestion-item
    	- .suggestion-content
    		- .suggestion-title
    		- .suggestion-note (optional)
    	- .suggestion-aux
    		- .suggestion-hotkey (optional)
    		- .suggestion-flair (optional)
  • The behavior of workspace.getActiveFile has been updated to now return the file of the most recently active FileView. This change should improve compatibility for custom views now that sidebar views are focusable. If you were previously using workspace.getMostRecentlyActiveFile for v0.15.X compatibility, please switch back to getActiveFile.
  • Note: Theme developers can avoid overriding the macOS native scrollbars by targeting body:not(.native-scrollbars) for any scrollbar styling.

Shiny new things

  • You can now drag and drop panes across multiple windows.
  • You can now drag a pane outside of the app to create a new window.
  • You can now right click on a file or a link to open it in a new window.
  • You can now rearrange the order of tabs in the sidebar.
  • Pop-out windows will now save and restore their position across app restarts.
  • You can now right click on the Obsidian Sync status indicator to bring up a menu of shortcuts for pause/unpause, change settings, view the sync log, or view recently deleted files.


  • Menu items are now grouped by function to make them easier to use.
  • The "editor status" core plugin has been moved to an editor setting. It will also now show an icon instead of text.
  • Pressing Escape when not focused on a pane now focuses the last active editable pane.
  • The application menu on macOS now shows the assigned hotkey for each menu item.
  • Added a pin icon to pinned sidebar views.
  • "Focus on editor" command is now called "Focus on last note" and will restore focus to the most recently focused note.

No longer broken

  • Fixed several vim hotkeys that were broken due to the CodeMirror 6.0 update.
  • In vim mode, characters that are composed with AltGr now work correctly in normal and visual mode.
  • Fixed mermaid not rendering in pop-out windows.
  • Fixed embeds render with large empty space in pop-out windows.
  • Fixed link with pane not working across pop-out windows.
  • Fixed styling issues with translucency.
  • Fixed Obsidian Publish upload dialog unable to "Use live version" in deleted/non-existent notes.
  • Fixed font selector not showing all fonts.
  • F1-F12 keys can now be bound to commands without a modifier.
  • Fixed long filenames overlapping with buttons in the window titlebar.


  • New enhancements for DOM elements and UI events: This applies to all derivatives of Node (like Element, HTMLElement, etc) and all derivatives of UIEvent (like MouseEvent, KeyboardEvent, etc)
    • You can now easily access the element or event's owner document (element.doc or event.doc) and window (element.win or event.win).
    • You can now use element.instanceOf(HTMLElement) or event.instanceOf(MouseEvent) to perform instanceof checks without having to worry about cross-window constructors.
    • HTMLElement now also has a onWindowMigrated hook that can be used to monitor when the element gets attached to different windows. This can be used to re-initialize views that depend on window globals.
  • There are now workspace events for window-open and window-close.
  • MenuItem now has a new method setSection(string). Items from the same section will be grouped together, in the order they were defined or first used. The default section (empty string) will contain all legacy/plugin/unspecified menu items and is usually put into a specific spot of the sort order (for example, before the danger items). Inspect the DOM to see existing sections' data-section.
  • We've removed the ability to create MenuItem directly - please use Menu.addItem instead.
  • On View, we've deprecated the onHeaderMenu and onMoreOptionsMenu in favor of a single onPaneMenu function with a source parameter. This new method will be used for both the header menu (right clicking on a tab header in the sidebar) and the more options menu (three dot menu).


  • Pressing Esc with a sidebar view focused will refocus your last note.
  • Checkboxes within settings can now receive keyboard focus.
  • Clicking on a view's options menu will now toggle it opened/closed.

No longer broken

  • Left and right arrow keys now work within the search input again.
  • Opening a view in its own window will now give the view focus.
  • Inline images are now properly rendered inline with text.
  • Fixed switching panes doesn't update the window title.
  • Fixed issue with file explorer causing high CPU usage when your vault has many unfolded files showing.


  • Added mod-active class to the tab headers when the view is active.
  • Updated Mermaid to v9.1.2.

Shiny new things

  • The Tag pane can now be navigated with the keyboard.


  • macOS-only: the title bar is now 2px taller.

No longer broken

  • Plugin views will no longer get replaced when clicking on a link (such as Calendar).
  • Fixed files not being opened inside the currently active split.
  • Graph view interactions now works within a popout window.
  • The tag pane will show nested tags again.
  • Native scrollbars have been temporarily reverted on macOS due to the white background issue on dark theme.
  • "About" window on macOS will now show the Obsidian version correctly.
  • Ctrl/Cmd-clicking on the active file in the File Explorer will open it in a split instead of focusing the explorer.
  • Popout windows are removed when switching workspaces.
  • Vim mode: The ghost character (like #) that appears in an unfocused editor is now hidden.
  • Navigating forward/backward in history will skip over some views such as File Explorer or backlinks.


  • To account for sidebar views being able to receive focus, we have deprecated several Workspace functions whose behavior conflicted with user expectations.
  • Added .is-focused class to the window body of the currently focused window.

Shiny new things

  • New "Open in New Window" command for opening views in a separate window.
  • The app menu on macOS has been revamped to be more consistent with the OS.
  • Added keyboard navigation to the File Explorer and Search views Arrow keys to move through items, Enter / Shift+Enter to select.


  • Sidebar panes can now receive focus. This change allows hotkeys to work in editors moved into the sidebar.
  • The native scrollbar styling for macOS is now used throughout the app. This can still be overridden by themes.
  • Will now use your system font by default on Windows and macOS. You can customize this in settings.
  • Window title will now include the active file name.
  • New users will now automatically start with Live Preview. Users currently using the legacy editor will be prompted about the legacy editor going away in a future release.
  • Pressing enter inside a list item will now detect if the rest of the line is also a list item, and avoid generating duplicate bullet characters.
  • Merged "Account" and "About" tabs in the settings
  • Added "check for updates" button to theme.
  • "Safe mode" has been renamed to "Restricted mode".
  • "Open in default app" is no longer a Core plugin and the functionality has been moved into core.
  • Pressing Escape when there's a highlight in the editor (from search or navigation) causes the highlight to be removed, instead of requiring a mouse click.
  • On macOS, Ctrl+N/P can now be used to navigate suggestion results similar to Up/Down arrow keys.

No longer broken

  • Plugin panes will now automatically unload and reload when plugins are disabled or enabled.
  • Sidebar collapse/expand animation no longer causes editor panes to resize suddenly at the end.


  • CodeMirror 6 has been updated from v0.19 to v6.0. If your plugin uses cm6 extensions, please upgrade to v6.0 soon, and make sure you set your minAppVersion to 0.15.0.
  • Upgraded MathJax to v3.2.1.

Core update

  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v0.14.15.
  • Fixed rename vault functionality gets stuck.
  • You can now setup Obsidian Sync right from the starting screen.


  • Fixed stat on directories gives NaN.
  • Fixed pressing enter in global search causes focus to shift to the editor that's hidden behind.


  • Fixed black bar at the bottom on iPad when using external keyboard.

No longer broken

  • Fixed typing with IME causes fold indicators to move around the note.

No longer broken

  • Fixed typing with IME sometimes causes the text to not get styled properly until another change is performed.
  • Fixed rename block ID not renaming the ID itself when updating links.
  • Fixed unnecessary underlines within single square brackets.
  • Fixed Live Preview scrolling with scrollbar not re-rendering properly.
  • Fixed File explorer not highlighting items properly when right clicking.
  • Daily notes with templates are now created in a single step, instead of being created empty first and filled in after.

Shiny new things

  • You can now rename block IDs when right clicking on the block ID, which will update all the references to that block ID.


  • Errors and console logs from plugins will now indicate the plugin's name instead of showing eval at anonymous.

No longer broken

  • Fixed note composer's merge note functionality not updating links after merging.
  • Move line up/down/delete paragraph commands can now be repeated again by holding the hotkey.
  • Fixed drag and drop not working on some plugins.
  • Fixed strikethrough not working on links.
  • Fixed identical custom code blocks in Live Preview not re-rendered when switching documents.
  • Fixed open context menu command not opening in the correct location in legacy editor.
  • Fixed note composer "merge note" not properly updating links after merging.
  • Fixed IME broken when typing on a line before a heading that starts with a space character.
  • Fixed identical custom code blocks in Live Preview goes stale when switching documents.

No longer broken

  • Fixed holding down keys in the editor not working.
  • Fixed vim mode cursor not updating position when focus leaves the editor.
  • Fixed height computation disrupted by some themes resetting the contain property.


  • You can now move or delete multiple selected items via the right-click context menu in the File Explorer.
  • The backslash escape character will now be hidden when your cursor is not on the same line in Live Preview.
  • When exiting in-document search, the last searched result will be selected automatically.

No longer broken

  • Hotkeys will no longer trigger multiple times when you hold down the hotkey.
  • Links created by LaTeX or Mermaid will no longer accidentally navigate the app to an empty white page.
  • Fixed vim mode has a blinking thin caret alongside the vim caret.

Shiny new things

  • You can now share your Obsidian Sync vaults with others.
    • Collaborators must have an Obsidian Sync subscription.
    • Joining a Sync vault will not count towards the 5 vault limit for collaborators.
    • To invite other users, go to Settings > Sync > Remote Vault > Manage > Manage sharing.

No longer broken

  • Fixed Tab related navigation broken in modals.
  • Fixed vault switcher sometimes only loads partially when offline.
  • Fixed text selection highlight not working in code blocks with vim mode enabled.
  • Fixed some multi-character glyphs not rendering correctly due to an older version of the "Inter" font.
  • Fixed Obsidian Publish menu option for "Open in live site" not opening the correct URL.
  • Fixed jsp code blocks causes the editor parsing to crash.

No longer broken

  • Fixed Obsidian Publish frontmatter publish flag not working.

Shiny new things for Obsidian Publish

  • You can now collaborate on your site using their Obsidian account, so that multiple users can publish to the same site.

    • This can be done in "Site options" > "Site collaboration"
    • All site members can publish pages to the site.
    • Only the owner can change the configurations and manage members.
    • Only the owner needs to pay for the site, collaborators can join for free.
    • Note that collaborators should ensure they have synced the latest edition of the site before making changes.
  • You can now configure a list of included and a list of excluded folders when publishing changes.

    • If a page is matched to the inclusion list, then it will be automatically selected for publishing.
    • If a page is matched to the exclusion list, it will be completely removed from the list of pages to publish.
    • The frontmatter publish: flag will override this setting for individual notes.
    • Exclusions take priority over inclusions.
  • In the "Publish changes" dialog, you can now right click on each note for a list of options, such as...

    • Open the page on the live site.
    • Open the note locally.
    • Compare your local version with the live version.
    • Discard local changes and download the live version.


  • Sync diffs now render as unified diffs to conserve space.
  • File recovery will now show diffs as well.
  • opus audio files are now recognized as a supported file type.
  • Unlinked mentions for outgoing links now respects the exclusion filter.

No longer broken

  • Fixed fonts sometimes not working with some themes and plugins using legacy css variables.
  • Disabled sec-ua-hint to reduce issues with iframes.
  • Fixed callout titles not working with strict line break turned on.
  • Fixed selecting words in headings will invisibly also select to the beginning of the line.
  • Fixed global graphs not showing unsupported attachments.
  • Fixed "show context menu under cursor" not triggered correctly when app is zoomed.
  • Fixed dragging and dropping files into the editor not showing the proper action verb text.
  • Fixed callouts in Live Preview not showing unresolved links as faded.
  • Fixed embeds within callouts in Live Preview not live updating and unable to click on checklists.


  • Fixed tab not working in modals.
  • registerDomEvent can now take an options object (for things like {capture: true}).
  • Added goWordLeft and goWordRight editor commands.


  • Unlinked mentions now also skip over ignored files.
  • There is now an improved setup guide for Obsidian Sync from the vault selector window.
  • You can see what's changed in each version in Obsidian Sync version history.
  • Zoom level is now saved per vault.
  • In addition to "Dark" and "Light", you can also set your Obsidian theme to "Adapt to system". Obsidian will auto-update the theme as your system setting changes. Shoutout to kepano for the "System dark mode" plugin!
  • You can now enable a dark/light toggle for your Obsidian Publish site.
  • You can now set theme to "Adapt to system" for your Obsidian Publish site, so that your site adapts to the reader's system settings.

No longer broken

  • Fixed attachments on network drives not loading.
  • Fixed link suggestion lag when long links to nonexistent files are present.
  • Fixed vim mode num + j combos sometimes not working when screen is scrolled.
  • Fix code blocks not rendered at the correct time in Live Preview.


  • Updated Lucide to v0.30.0.

Core update

  • Includes all new functionality and bug fixes up to Obsidian Desktop v0.14.6.
  • Tapping the three dot more options icon now brings up the menu related to this file, rather than the right sidebar. You can get to the right sidebar by long-holding this icon, or swiping from the right.


  • Fixed tapping the file name when renaming a file in File Explorer causes the file menu to show up.


  • Long-holding buttons that triggers an action (like the three dot menu) now triggers it after holding for 600ms instead of triggering it when the finger is released.
  • Fixed app freezing when resuming from another app when using a large vault.

Shiny new things

  • You can now add folders to an ignore filter. Files matched by this filter will be down-ranked when using Quick Switcher and link suggestions, and will be excluded in search results and graph view.


  • Spellcheck corrections should now work better in text with styling applied such as headings, bold/italics, etc.
  • Show context menu under cursor should now also display the spellcheck options.
  • Obsidian Publish upload dialog now displays the total count of each section.

No longer broken

  • Fixed backlinks linked mentions causes lag on large vaults.
  • Exporting to PDF when using dark mode no longer causes unreadable code blocks.
  • Dragging items and resizing panes should no longer get stuck when moving across <iframe> and <webview>.
  • Dragging and dropping files from outside Obsidian should no longer cause its contents to be inserted before or after the link.
  • Fixed soft-wrapping not working if line was folded when the note was opened.
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